When I open my eyes in the morning...
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I think about is what grade class I have today. I have classes from Y7 to Y13, and all classes are enjoyable, but some grades are more enjoyable.
I often recall the days when I was unhappy. I was depressed at the time. Even though I worked 16 hours a day, my future was always unstable. The most painful thing for me at that time was the morning. When I woke up in the morning, I was worried about how I would make it through that day again. So, I lay in bed every evening, hoping that I wouldn't wake up tomorrow morning.
One good thing about happiness is that it make us a philosopher. When I was unhappy I was always full of anxiety and pain for the future. But after being happy, I spend most of time thinking about my life, family, and literature. And I feel one desire growing new within me.
"Maybe I can change the education of literature?"
Many people think that literature is boring. Maybe I can change their prejudice? If I could change all the literature education in the world into something pleasant for both teachers and students, how much happier could the world be?
III Bsc Mathematics
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