When the Hypocrisy of the Church Ends… So Shall This Pandemic— It Will Be No Sooner. Period! {WARNING: Many Christians A'int Gonna Like This 'S'}
Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., D.D.
CEO/Founder The College of Aspiring Artists | Edutainment | Biblical Rights
What you are about to read may sound somewhat controversial… So… #1) Make sure you read it all… and #2) You understand it all… before #3) You go out and 'tell' it all.
I could follow up this declaration in the subject/title here and load it up with a lot of biblical passages. I am not. Mainly, because most of the 70-plus million professing to be Christians have enough scripture knowledge to understand and derive the clarity of this post. (I pray in these pandemic times some of you will take the time to read and pray it forward). I offer one passage for those who chose to read the message of Jeremiah when directed to make a visit to the potter’s house. ?
(Oh… you should have already figured out the ‘S’ in the subject is Sermon.”) :)
So, I preach/share it now. I preach it first to myself, but not to exclude, sadly and most often... yes, 'We the Preachers... and the People of God" who need it most. Maybe it will be your choice sermon/discourse for the week. Here are the facts.
One of the most alarming moments early in the pandemic was the closing many doors of the houses of worship. People were being guided/forced/directed to stop indoor gatherings of 20-plus persons.?And yes, that’s what millions of people were doing on Sunday’s and Wednesday’s (primarily). So out of the buildings we go.
It must be thoroughly understood that being... ‘out of the building and out of the Body' ‘are two different things. And God is more concerned about the ‘Body (of Christ) than He is the buildings.?We are His people and His namesake.
In the buildings (zooming in on the last 50-100 years):
What have we been doing that demonstrates true agape? Reading scriptures, praying, and listening to music and ministers. Many saying and singing amen throughout the entire service. Where we serious or faking??Did we ‘fully’ mean what we were saying/praying? I say no. I really am saying ‘hell no.” And if we are real, we know it's true. (And let's not mention all the judging of others, the racism, the politics, etc., that we do on the side, quietly spoken and concealed.)
‘Zoom’ in on these moments, everybody (mostly) is righteous and going to heaven to be with Jesus. All this talk about love, God, living right and treating people justly, here in the building you know, it’s believable and it’s real.?Or is it?
Now what really happens when these services end??What happens after the benediction??What happens when we leave the building? What happens in the Body? ?
We all know!?Sunday morning and Monday morning are two different worlds. Especially in rural America where I live.
What about the Body??IT IS SICK! The Pandemic is proof!?{Proof that God will show up whether we come to our senses or not.} NO! God did not create this Pandemic. But He has a way of getting our attention as it is more and more widespread. This is one sure way. Are we paying attention? When will we? I do believe there are enough people in the remnant body that has the true heart of God that (when we come together as God desires, we can bring a resurrection to defeat any insurrection that goes against the Government of God).
For most people, after Sunday/Wednesday, it’s back to business as usual. ?When we see each other outside the building… in the banks, in the utility companies, restaurants, the streets, etc., so often we act like we don't know one another and we don't have godly care or compassion for one another. We just wave it off... and the next Sunday/Wednesday, we are back to God and not so much 'in Him'.
The same people who hug one another (in the buildings), who see each person as ‘equal’ in the sight of God, the same people who say… “God is no respecter of person… the strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak…” ?on the Monday mornings will do things like:
·???????Now... Who’s calling on the neighbors to see if they are in need??
·???????What ministries are truly committed to giving to the poor??I mean like going into their accounts or creating accounts to deal with the inequities, the underserved, those who are in despair; daily, weekly, monthly, yearly... 'whenever'!
2. Show no empathy for you as a Brother or Sister
3. Vote on Party lines and not for biblical values
4. Put more emphasis on denominations than who's in the 'Body of Christ' and make every effort to unite in the spirit and bond of love and unity.
Now to the theme:?God is saying it's too much hypocrisy in the Christian assembly. Faith in man and worshipping the creature more than the creator is at an all-time high in the current world status. ?
So, what do we do??Let’s answer this question and focus on this truth.?
Why Does God Allow This Pandemic to Kill So Many People?
When the Hypocrisy of the Church Ends… So Shall This Pandemic—It Will Be No Sooner Than This. Period!
?The Hope Clause
Let US(A) take full use of the wisdom of God.?Get tested, wear the masks, study, and make wise choice of vaccines, get the anti-viral products that safeguard your sanitized health on your body and in your living spaces.?Most important, let’s clean up our spiritual lives and stop the hypocrisy.
Maybe... (NO)... when church folks stop being fake and get back to the potter's wheel, a new work will bring new beginnings, new faith, new hope, new love. This will be the moment when the hungry for God from all ages and generations will look at the Body of Christ and His Church and say... 'I WANT THAT GOD'.
These are true parts that will lead the way for the virus to end.?THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.?WHO’S WILLING TO GO WITH THIS? ALL IN… SAY SO… NOW!
Controller Huntsville Mem Med Center Huntsville TX 8/23- 6/24 Interim CFO Mem Med Center, Port Lavaca TX 7/21- 7/22, 2/23 - 7/23 Interim CFO Stephens Memorial Hospital 8/22 - 1/23
3 年Well said Mr Hunt!
teacher at PCSSD
3 年We can read the Word, quote the Word, so let us be doers of the Word, for God knows the heart and Spirit of every human being who are faithful and righteous??