When and How to use a Recruiter: Employers
Know Your Recruiter - Photo by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash

When and How to use a Recruiter: Employers

The up-to-speed relevant, emotionally intelligent but also ROI-conscious employers realized long ago that employee retention is paramount to excellent service, consistent service, building organisational culture and conserving payroll costs. And so much more.

There is also a small number within this set who also simply give a damn about being a good person, doing the right thing and want to be a good employer who people actually want to work for.

Certain sectors as we know, always have high demand for specific talent such as software developers. Retention in those sectors becomes even more important as employers must compete with other companies all after the same candidates so this has driven up salaries and benefits.

Regardless of which type of employer you are, you may not realise what a Recruiter can do for you and how best to use a Recruiter to get the most out of our expertise.

1.      Be clear and realistic with your Job descriptions – they are a wish list and compromise is essential, recognise there is no candidate that exists that will satisfy 100% of your spec. Do not expect Recruiters to bring you perfection, what they can bring you is an excellent match.

2.      Be clear what your culture is, what type of person you attract and want to retain, what kind of teams you build, what your values are and what you stand for.

3.      Be honest about what you can and cannot offer – no point asking for employees knowing you cannot pay market rates.

4.      Stay in touch and don’t go MIA on the recruiter – without your input, the recruiter cannot find you your person, your input is essential. If you don’t have the time then delegate.

5.      If you are not ready to interview and then hire, don’t waste a recruiter’s time – state your time frame and plan together, don’t have the Recruiter start the project knowing full well you are not ready to make such decisions, your fishing expedition costs the Recruiter money and time.

6.      Limit how many recruiters you put on the case – dozens of recruiters won’t solve your problem, if you struggle to attract talent there may be other reasons you need to explore.

7.      As with any service, knowing how to get the most out of your Recruiter will help you establish your relationship with them and the agency and thereby increase your chances of finding your next employee. Understanding the full scope of their services and expertise will help you ask the right questions and ultimately help them to help you.

8.      Choose your Recruiter wisely, there are a multitude of individuals and companies purporting to be Recruiters, head-hunters, HR experts but many are unlicensed and unqualified. Ask and check your Recruiter’s site and credentials. In Cyprus we are licensed and regulated by the Ministry of Labour, easy to check us out.

9.      Hiring a Recruiter should entail building a relationship, this person will be bringing you (hopefully) your employees which will alter the course of your company. Establish boundaries, respect the process and listen to advice, your Recruiters spends literally every single day listening to the market.

Finally, some select HR & Recruitment agencies offer extra, specialised services at an affordable cost so if you do feel like it’s time to invest in outsourcing some of your HR or recruitment projects and you would like a customised, professional proposal then look us up, we have that expertise to offer. No need to struggle alone, employers are up against the wall thanks to the pandemic, take all the help you can get.

Call us from wherever you are in the world for a no-obligation chat +357 22000174 or +357 96 217187 or pop me an email: [email protected].

Thanks Katerina for sharing your post. Stay safe and healthy!


