When To Hire A Business Coach
Importance Of Having A Business Coach
Many Business owners think that the idea of running your own business is very easy and will come naturally to you once you start it. Yes, you are an expert in the product or service that you provide, (of course you should be an expert). However, most business owners are not experts in how to design and grow a business. Knowing the possible business models, messaging, marketing, developing processes and procedures, and how to make a profit are skills it takes time to learn.
You can do it the hard way, on your own; learning from costly mistakes, with lots of frustration and headaches while losing a lot of time and valuable clients. That would be like wanting to become the club tennis champion when you have never played tennis before. You could do it on your own with lots of practice, reading, and watching videos - but it would be a whole lot faster, less frustrating, and more fun if you did that with a tennis coach.
If you want to grow your business for long-term success and do it the easy and the right way, you hire a business coach. A business coach is someone who helps you establish, grow and scale your business. A true business coach will help you see what you can’t see on your own, and avoid many of the roadblocks and obstacles in your way. Your coach will keep you moving forward in the right direction to develop your successful business.
So when should you hire a coach? Here are some good times to hire a coach:
1) When you are about to start your business:
There is so much to think about when starting a business, and getting the business of the business right from the start will save you a lot of time later. If you set things up right at the start, you won’t be wasting time later redoing work that you have already done, or fixing things you set up incorrectly because you didn’t know better. Doing things in the right order is important. If you wanted to learn how to pole vault, it would be a good idea to have an expert teach you how to land before you break a leg rather than wait until the leg is broken to look for advice. So look for help and advice from the beginning.
2) When you start to look for advice on the internet:
The Internet has many misconceptions. And these can be harmful to your business as well. The Internet does not look at your business specifically, it doesn’t ask you what stage of business you are in, or what products or services you provide, what your strengths and weaknesses are, what your long-term plan for your business and life are, or even what your financial situation is both personally and in the business. All of these factors are important to take into account when making decisions in your business. You will stumble upon many tips and tricks and ideas for running your business, but you need to be careful when deciding which ones are right for your business. Spending time and money on the wrong tactics for your business can have you struggling along for years rather than being successful. A coach will help you sort through those tactics and determine the best ones for your specific business.
3) When you only listen to your ideas:
Many business owners are set in their ways. They only see one way to run their business and they don’t like to hear fresh ideas. Many of their business practices are well-honed from years of experience and many are just habits that have continued even after they no longer made sense. A certified professional coach will help you see what you are missing and sort through what is working well and what can be improved in your business, then help you implement better processes and procedures. He/she is going to bring new ideas to the table for you to consider.
4) When you want a real review:
If you are surrounded by your team, family members, and friends you rarely get an honest review from them. Your team wants to be in your good books so will always appreciate your decisions. In the same way, your friends and family will never want to hurt you by criticizing your work, or they won’t support you because their idea of your path to success is different from your path. But a true business coach will always be straightforward no matter how it sounds. He/she will have the best interests of the business in mind and that is great for your business. The best coaches are the ones who are straightforward and honest. Your coach will help you see what you can’t see on your own.
5) When you are working too many hours to get things done:
Even a business coach needs a business coach. So, I can’t stress enough how important it is to have help for developing business growth strategies. If you find yourself working 7 days a week and 10 hours a day it is high time you ask for help. A business coach will not only optimize your work hours but will also make them more productive. Just imagine you working for fewer hours and making more money. Don’t get me wrong, you must work hard to grow a business, but your hard work will go further when your time is more efficient and productive.
6) When you are stuck and can’t find a way out:
So, you ignored all of the signs and decided to be your own business coach. But it didn’t work. You have no idea how to get your business running the way you want. There have been recurring losses and you can’t stop it. Everything seems to fly out of your hand. Enter a business coach! Business coaches are trained to do disaster management. They will not only take you and your business under their wings but will give it a new life. You will finally be able to breathe and see your business reaching new heights of success when you thought it was over.
Remember - you wanted your own business to support your lifestyle, make more money, have more time, and do what you love. By reaching out to a business coach you are taking the first step to help you achieve the business you dream about. Reach out to LSR Consultants and take that first step.