When the heating season returns?
I have been thinking about checking the heating system at home so some simple tips to help. There are a number of simple checks that should be done before the end of autumn.
1. Get your boiler (gas or oil) serviced. Use qualified & accredited tradesmen to do it.
2. Balancing the heating system entails adjusting the flow of water through each of the radiators on a system so that all radiators are running at equal temperatures and take an equal amount of time to reach their operating temperature. Lack of balancing within a system is often the cause of cold spots on radiators, radiators failing to heat up properly, or radiators making noises. This can be highlighted by gurgling sounds or rushing water in the pipes. An air vent (also called a bleed valve) is a small valve, which enables air that has accumulated at the top of a radiator to be let out or ‘bled’ from the radiator using a special air vent key. Bleed/vent key can be purchased from any good builders merchants. Ideally radiators should be checked for air accumulation at least once a year (start lowest radiator first). Remember to have an old towel and container for gathering liquid as you bleed and don’t ever over loosen the vent.
3. Heat output will depend on the size and surface area of the radiator. For example, ladder-type radiators will have a smaller surface area than conventional panel radiators. If you feel you have undersized radiators select an alternative size and style (call into TileStyle were we can size and help you select a radiator for your needs. Decide, if you want a modern or traditional radiator. Select the radiator location, normally the best place is in the coldest part of the room. Under a window as cold air creates better heat conduction (pushing the hot air from the radiator into the room). Now with double-glazed homes there may not be a cold area, so put them where they won't affect the use of walls.
4. To save money install thermostats in your rooms. Some people put TRV’s on radiators Temperature Regulated valves (NB when turning off heating you should never leave the TRV valve in the one position or setting). There are huge selections of radiator valves available, which can be viewed in TileStyle www.tilestyle.ie #radiators #heating.