When the grapes no more wrath, everybody enjoy the steak
A resilient enterprise with core competencies exhibits remarkable resilience in the face of challenges. It continuously deepens its own business barriers while seeking breakthroughs in new directions within the ever-changing landscape of international policies.
Last week, I experienced gastrointestinal discomfort and sensed inflammation. I visited a nearby clinic for medical evaluation.
The consultation lasted for twenty minutes and included a prescription for a three-day course of medication, priced at 10 RM, along with a consultation fee of 140 RM.
No requests were made for routine blood tests, nor for specific markers like CRP, SAA, or PCT.
I find myself puzzled by the absence of additional diagnostic tests. The response from the doctor parallels the invitation from a fellow Chinese resident, Mr. Yang, inviting neighbors for a gathering at his home. A peculiar juxtaposition, indeed. Why?
In 1919, Mr. Chen Duxiu published an article in "New Youth," bringing Mr. De and Mr. Sai into the public eye. On the last day of July in 2023, the diagnostics offered by Diasys once again garnered international attention through innovative methodologies, marking a milestone achievement.
This development stands as a significant achievement, comparable to the strategic acquisition of a raw materials company. Indeed, biochemical immunodiagnostics have a global applicability, transcending geographical boundaries.
During that time, whether sharing a bottle of old or new wine, enjoying Texas Australian beef, or being served by attentive waitstaff, Mr. White and Ms. Black, there persisted a hint of nostalgia.
Even at the prestigious Trump Wind City Steakhouse, located at the heart of the world, a surprising observation emerges—there is an absence of products either "Made in China" or "Designed by Shanghai."
The German craftsmanship and the expertise of Han-yang are indeed noteworthy.
Mr. Gorka and his colleagues at Diasys initiated a remarkable era in the last century, earning the company the moniker "Father of Liquid Biochemical Reagents." This legacy confirms their technical prowess.
From a historical perspective, their progress has been steady, emblematic of a quintessential German medium-sized enterprise. With the "dedicated support" of their counterparts at Siemens and Roche, the company strives to continue expanding its influence globally, despite the challenges that lie ahead.
While the challenges faced by Northern European Pathology in competing with Roche in the past seem trivial compared to the acquisition by Sky-Blue Life Sciences, Mindray has positioned itself as a seasoned player in the international clinical market. As stated in their announcement, they are poised to be the finest global collaborators.
The future is promising.
My acquaintance with Diasys dates back many years, and I hold their products in high regard. Despite the limited portfolio, their offerings boast exceptional quality. However, the cost of foreign labor and pricing remains a concern.
Browsing through the Diasys website reveals a focus on classical reagents. Their choice of raw materials is diverse, even eccentric, reflecting their audacity.
Over a decade ago, three like-minded individuals in Shanghai embarked on a journey to promote rabbit antibodies. I am grateful for the pure collaboration between Sky and Don, which began with experiments devoid of activity, gradually involving several steadfast collaborators. The ultimate goal was to establish a consensus in China's upper-tier market, which necessitates catering to the new generation.
Indeed, they have achieved commendable progress.
Recent years have seen the gradual overshadowing of the golden era due to the resonance of events surrounding the monopoly of essential core materials amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Concurrently, several projects, particularly in terms of stability, have been overtaken by competitors, marking the decline of an epoch.
The steady pace of domestic substitution, however, is promising. The production of multiple clone antibodies is a formidable task, and post-COVID-19, foreign companies have encountered novel issues. External entities such as the Peking University Weekend Representative Office emphasized consistent batch supply, underscoring the importance of stability.
Yet, can we surpass other countries in terms of production capacity more than China?
The official Diasys website notes numerous OEM production lines, with many self-produced reagents sourced from goat antibodies, much like Siemens.
Surprisingly, they utilize monoclonal antibodies for Cystatin C. This suggests that under stringent clinical sample standards, monoclonal antibodies can indeed excel in the realm of biochemical diagnostics. However, whether more extensive clinical specimen testing can serve as a definitive benchmark remains unclear. Despite the acclaim enjoyed by Cystatin C and NGAL in Western societies, the market is not as fervent at their place of origin.
Additionally, inquiries have arisen regarding the use of nmol in lpa.
The units of HbA1c and lpa-nmol were novel biochemical measures that Roche heavily promoted more than a decade ago in China. Currently, the most accessible commercially available large-scale lpa multiple clone antibody sourced from goat rather than rabbits is the epitome of quality. Just as in the culinary world, with superior ingredients, latex technology has less complications.
While the latex technology process is sound, achieving linearity between nmol and raw materials is pivotal. Nonetheless, stability remains paramount, along with ensuring the security of the supply chain. Even domestically, CRP monoclonal antibodies have encountered setbacks, underlining the challenges.
Mindray's announcement to gradually establish global localized supply capacity warrants thorough consideration. In today's complex and unpredictable international environment, it is essential for localized supply capacity to be the foremost priority in the domestic market.
Starting in China for China, and eventually expanding from China to the universe!
In contemporary China, Ningxia boasts a world-class wine industry. We anticipate a future where globally recognized Chinese steak houses abound. Beyond offering authentic Texas steaks, they will also provide specialties like rabbit head, snowflake pig brain, and Ningxia lamb BBQ.
The abundance of exquisite cuisine should not only satiate the masses but also be accessible to people worldwide. A scenario where some can enjoy meat while others are limited to broth, or worse, cannot even savor the aroma, is unacceptable.
Our mission demands that we remain committed to the common destiny of humanity.
The news of Diasys's acquisition is a somber reflection for a Stuttgart culture enthusiast like myself. The great Deutschland and the pride of "Made in Germany" are on the verge of losing yet another distinguished technology-inheritance enterprise.
However, under the horizon's equatorial line, we must broaden our perspective.
We extend our well-wishes to the collaboration between Mindray and Diasys, fostering the integration and development of China's and the world's IVD industry.
A promising future is ahead.