When Good Enough is OK. Is it time to get out of your own way?
Ladey Adey
Is there a book in YOU? From idea to Amazon or Bookshop we Mentor you through each stage.
Ladey writes from a faith forward perspective on business and topical issues, helping Believers in today’s workplace and at home.
Just lately, I have been learning more about publishing than I ever expected to do so, and more in particular about publishing colouring or coloring books. The latter I expected as Colours of Unfrozen is to be unleashed upon the world in a matter of weeks!
Alongside any learning is how it incorporates itself into you and me. Now, this isn’t a surprise – not really – after all so much can be found on your individual learning style and how you learn affects what exactly you receive and why you like certain subjects (or teachers) more than others.
How do you learn?
What excites or hinders you?
Let me know
Learning Styles
My learning style, centres on the doing – I learn more by doing. However, my personality styles of individuality and perfectionism can get in my way of learning! This was brought to a head this week, when in the last throngs of producing a colouring book, I received a printed proof.
My first reaction (and that of Abbirose – co author and my daughter) was delight. It felt good, looked good and we knew it was good. The first colouring book to feature devotionals. So, we had to get our markers out and start to colour. We discovered bleed-through.
Now in itself, bleed through (when you can see the ink from both sides of the page) isn’t that much of a problem. In fact, most colourists expect it – but it compromised the devotionals making some of the print hard to read.
We had a dilemma. What to do? What was the real cause? Was the paper too think or the pens too cheap?
Will our readers and colourists accept this, would bleed through happen to them? The second-guessing began and the perfectionist in me wanted to halt the proceedings and find another printer/distributor.
More learning transpired and investigations began into the innards of Amazon printing compared to traditional printing and how each is distributed to the world via the internet and book stores. The decision at the end of the day was: Is Colours of Unfrozen good enough as it is? It may not be perfect but for most people would it suit. The answer was Yes, and it was arrived at with market research and prayer.
Would you like prayer for your situation?
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Why Pray?
Now why was prayer involved? Simply, my perfectionist nature and individualism was pushing me to stress point and there is only one person who calms and gives peace and that is God. Praying to him, and others also prayed on my behalf, for this book creation which glorifies Jesus was important. He questioned me into finding a solution, and I know that each and every detail of my life matters to Him. The learning from God was the reminder that the most important thing is to carry on and keep moving forward.
To wait or stop at this point was an option but not one that God wanted me to take. You see, He has already given me the tools and the right people in place for the project and now it is my turn to step out of the way and let Colours of Unfrozen become an entity in itself and used for His purposes.
Does this resonate with you? Are there times in your life when you become the obstruction because you want everything just so, perfect and the best? Do you need to say, “actually, it is good enough” being confident that other tweaks or modifications can come later? God wants us to be a moving people not static ones and He wants us to move out of our own way, so that through us He can reach others.
God’s Word
Moses continued, “Then the LORD said to us,
‘Get moving. Cross the Zered Brook.’
So we crossed the brook."
Deuteronomy 2:13 (NLT)
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Ladey writes from a faith base on business and topical issues helping Believers in today’s workplace and at home. Christians are finding it increasingly more difficult to express their faith at work and socially. Today we live in a society, which puts Christianity into the box labelled ‘politically incorrect’ and ‘culturally unacceptable’. Non-believers in Jesus are outnumbering those who do believe in God. “People of no religion outnumber Christians in England and Wales ” (report in Nat Cen’s 2014 British Social Attitudes Survey).
- Ladey has openings in her speaking and coaching diary. Ladeyadey.com