When going viral makes you question everything all at once...

If you haven't already seen it plastered all over the internet, my family is having quite the "experience" online and in the media about a video of my son and a bear encounter.

The video itself is amazing and everyone did everything right, and it was a textbook good news story to inspire people to learn about animal behavior, be kind to one another, help out when others need it selflessly etc. And it was a public acknowledgement of how thankful we were for the kind strangers that stepped in (oh... but the interviews didn't put that part in the edits... so it seemed as if I didn't have a care in the world about being grateful, which couldn't be further from the truth).

But sometimes the internet has other plans for you.

Sometimes the trolls come for you and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Sometimes (most of the time), people look at something, and they make a snap judgement with zero knowledge of the circumstances and culture of someone's experience.

They have already decided in their mind how things happened and what their opinion is. What actually happened? Doesn't matter, because their perception has already solidified the story they choose to see and believe.

Here are just a few points about my perspective on this story so far:

?? These amazing kind people that dove into action for my son have inspired countless others to think about their actions and spread more kindness and selflessness into the world.

?? My son has inspired other kids to be brave in facing whatever is coming their way. Whether he knew what he was doing or whether he was afraid in the moment, he has already inspired others to believe in themselves.

?? The neighbour who caught the encounter on his security cam has shown grace and offered to help us remove any videos that pop up that may contribute to negative things being said online. No parties involved want to "profit" off of this footage even though many people have stolen it and are surely profiting off of viral views. He has also allowed the media to use the footage to share what a wonderful community we live in when others would probably be thinking about how they could cash in.?

?? The media, who is often painted as some kind of horrible entity, has shown nothing but empathy for my family. Once we started declining interviews and told them it's because of the negativity we are facing online, they replied with kind words and one network even turned off comments and removed our last names from articles almost instantly upon our request.

?? My husband, who hates the spotlight, has shown me his fierce protective instinct and has kept me grounded while facing some of the meanest things being said about me and our family online. He has coached me, the social media marketer of all people, on how to tune out and remember that kindness is above this nonsense and that I will be able to do something good with this.

?? Everyone that has commented, sent us messages, called us... I am reminded that community is what glues us all together and it's the support of those around us that can carry us through even when "the internet" and its trolls make you feel like the entire world is against you.

It's easier to look at the negative and blame everyone else.

But what good does that do?

What good does it do if you let the negative win and take over?

Have you put more good into the world than you took out?

If the world was one giant bank machine, and the good things are deposits and the bad things are a withdrawal... how much cash can be taken out before we have a negative balance so huge that no overdraft on earth is big enough to handle it.

What then?

I'll tell you what then... we need a movement of good, kindness, and a shift in perspective and how we treat one another for that bank account to get out of the red.

Do you choose crumbling under the weight of adversity?

Or do you choose the path less traveled. The one that requires a steeper uphill climb where you'll help others to the top along the way?

Friends I am choosing the path less traveled. Maybe you will join me on the way.

It's what we choose to do in the face of adversity that makes us strong and inspires others.

Let's be real though, I'm no stranger to a little adversity ;)

As long as you do your absolute best to power through it and help others who might be facing the same thing, then it was all for good.

I have decided I am going to take this experience, and turn it into something else.

I am protecting my son from the chaos (and the rest of the family), and I am declining further interviews (we've been hit up by A LOT of major networks), and I have shared candidly with them that although I would love to share more about the story, I have chosen to step back because I cannot field all of the negative that comes my way with the virality of the videos and I need to safeguard the mental health of those around me.

So what now?

I am going to assemble stories.

I am going to gather information and create a platform for other people to share their experience with going viral and what it did to them personally and what effects it had on their mental health or the effects on those around them.

There will be stories of businesses having things go viral and maybe it helped them tremendously with exposure and all was great.

And there will be stories from people who had a viral video (or multiple) and it became all too much to handle and they suffered greatly.

A little trolling won't get most of us down, but when it's in large numbers and becomes hard to ignore, you have to begin to think to yourself... What is the point of all of this? Is it really worth it to subject myself to this?

Does the positive outweigh the negative?

I can't answer that for you, but I can share stories, inspire others, and hopefully create a tiny movement where people start to open their minds and learn to shift their perspective on how they see things and how they choose to react in the moment.

I'm not even 100% sure where this is going right now, but stay tuned... I wasn't meant to play small and hide. Not anymore.

And neither were you.

Lift others up with me, and reach out if you want to join in on whatever this kindness project turns into.



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