When God Ran
Good Morning Everyone,
If you've been reading this Encouragement for any time at all, you know Music is the avenue, for me, that leads me straight into the Father's arms. I get all blubbery and completely undone in His Presence. Music moves me, and I'm sure it does for many of you. Quick definition - "Music is emotion." I don't care what you listen to or love to listen to, when you hear a song, it will touch your heart in some way or another. A love song will bring back memories of your own personal love, a fast and lively song will emote the feeling of happiness, etc. It's the gift of God to speak to the inner being in each of us. BTW - GOD GAVE US THIS GIFT!!!!
Anyway, my purpose for telling you this is to set up the following story. My wife came through the Living Room, yesterday while I was Soaking and asked me if I had heard the song "When God Ran." by Phillips, Craig, and Dean, a gospel group. I told her I hadn't, but stopped and listened to it. WOW, DOUBLE WOW, GLORY TO GOD!!!!!
The chorus goes like this; "He ran to me, He took me in His arms, Held my head to His chest, Said 'My son's come home again!' Lifted my face, Wiped the tears from my eyes, With forgiveness in His voice He said 'Son, do you know I still love You?' He caught me By surprise, When God ran..." This story comes from one of my absolute favorite Bible stories, lovingly called the Prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. If you don't know it, stop and read it for a few moments. If you do, stop and read it, it will bless your heart.
Luke 11:20-24 (MSG) says; "20-20 When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’ 22-24 “But the father wasn’t listening. He was calling to the servants, ‘Quick. Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him. Put the family ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then get a grain-fed heifer and roast it. We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time! My son is here—given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time."
For me, this brings back memories of my whole life. As a young man, I would do something I knew wasn't right and would try to bargain with God; "If you'll forgive me, I won't do that again", I would say. Of course I would do it again:((( The night I got Saved, the Lord arrested me with His Word and I ran to the Altar of our Church. When I got there, GOD SHOWED UP and enveloped me with His might arms and the warmth of the Precious Holy Spirit surrounded me like a cocoon for several hours. (God is a real Being, not some figment of our imaginations or a myth to make it through.)
Since then and no matter what I've done wrong at the time, when I go to Him for forgiveness, He touches me with His Precious Holy Spirit and I know I'm safe in His Arms. FOR ALL OF US, THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO OR SAY, THAT WILL KEEP HIM FROM RUNNING TO US WHEN WE RUN TO HIM FOR FORGIVENESS!!!!!! John 3:16 (NKJV) says; "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
If you are a believer, you never grow tired of this immutable fact. You never grow tired of hearing the story from those that have experienced it and never grow tired of telling it, yourself. This is the basis of ALL OUR FAITH AND TRUST IN OUR SAVIOR AND LORD, JESUS MY KING!!!!! If you do not know the Savior, I IMPLORE YOU TO ASK THE LORD INTO YOUR HEART TODAY!!!!!!!! Read Romans 3:23. Romans 5:12, Romans 6:23, and Romans 10:9-10 and allow the Father to run to you, NO MATTER WHAT YOU'VE DONE OR HOW MANY TIMES YOU'VE DONE IT!!!!!! One more thing, this isn't easy beleivism, it's a true relationship with the God of the Universe through Jesus my Lord!!!!! I know that I know, that I know Jesus lives!!!!!!
My encouragement to you, today, is to, as often as you can, remember your Salvation experience and rehearse it in your mind, spirit, your very being. The old song; "I Love to Tell the Story" comes into play here. If you do not know my Savior and Lord, He and the Father are just waiting and longing for you to come home to Their loving arms. "If you'll take one step towards the Savior, my friend, you'll find His arms open wide" an old hymn says.
Within the next few short years (He's coming back SOON for His bride), one billion souls will come to know the Savior. Let yourself be one of them. I want to spend eternity, hearing about your Salvation and telling you mine:)))))))
Love in Jesus,