When GMP decided to expand its Engineering division, we hired the best. Meet Michael Cruse.

When GMP decided to expand its Engineering division, we hired the best. Meet Michael Cruse.

With GMP’s growth and subsequent acquisition of KPS, combined with the rapidly growing US energy transition movement, GMP’s President, Price Howard, made a key hire to lead the expansion of its design engineering capabilities. Meet Michael Cruse, GMP’s new President of Engineering.

We caught up with Michael and asked him some questions.

How did you get to know GMP and Price Howard?

  • In my role at KPS as VP, Strategic Projects, I engaged the services of GMP to help KPS on various projects. We met through a mutual colleague and explored working together while at my former organization.? After my transition to KPS we continued to work together closely.? When the word of the potential sale of KPS was announced internally, it only made sense for us to discuss opportunities.

Why did you and Price decide to partner together?

  • We both have a mutual respect for each other and have complementary skills. So, when Price was talking about supplementing his GMP leadership team and growing the engineering capabilities, I knew my career leading an Engineering design and construction large and complex capital projects would be a great fit.

What is your vision for GMP Engineering?

  • In this new role, I will be leading the growth of GMP’s Engineering Division while also actively supporting GMP’s growing slate of Project Management Contractor (PMC) projects. With the rapidly growing market conditions and GMP’s excellent reputation for doing great work, I see an opportunity to build upon an already strong foundation.

What is your passion?

  • My passion comes from serving in leadership roles associated with the successful execution of projects from concept to completion.? And I am a strong advocate for rigorously applying proven gated project delivery processes to every project.

How do you see your extensive industry experience helping the folks at GMP?

  • I love the idea of bringing the experience I’ve gained from working with large operations, and applying this thinking to a growing and dynamic operation like GMP and getting the best out of both worlds. During my career I’ve gained extensive knowledge and experience in virtually all aspects of project execution and delivery, from my early roles in project controls, site construction management, multiple business development roles and launching and managing a series of new engineering, procurement and construction offices for Ford, Bacon & Davis (FB&D) in Jacksonville, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia; Greenville, South Carolina; Raleigh, North Carolina, and Kingsport, Tennessee.? I served as Sr. VP for Operations and Business Unit leadership for FB&D, VP, at Brown & Root and a Director, at Jacobs.

How will you grow GMP Engineering?

  • GMP already has a fantastic team of industry professionals who are doing great work and that will continue. But with the opportunities ahead of us I’ll be hiring and growing the team to meet the demands.


