When the footloose Mind Liberator was eavesdropping on a conversation between Lucifer, Humankind, and the Almighty.

When the footloose Mind Liberator was eavesdropping on a conversation between Lucifer, Humankind, and the Almighty.


The Almighty: OK, so you people figured out how to use radio waves to create what you call the World Wide Web. ?La-di-da. Now you can message people you don’t even know. But just because the American Declaration of Independence says, that you are entitled to pursue happiness, does not mean that it is free for all. ???

Humankind: I am sorry sir, who are you?

The Almighty: None of your business...

Humankind: Do you have a name?

The Almighty: Call me Lucifer, Sir. But back to the point about reckless enduement, I’ve tried to send you messages that the pursuit of happiness is nothing more than a scam, inducing you to make useless purchases. ???

Humankind: What do you mean by “useless”? I use every item that I buy online at least twice before I throw it away. ?

Lucifer: Well, you know, everything is bound by the Tit, for Tat, principle. Whatever you take needs to be adequately replaced.

Humankind: But I am paying for everything with my hard-earned money.

Lucifer: That is a human-made compensation, not a replacement for the depleting natural resources.

Humankind: Now you are talking like a Weltverbesserer, you know, a Do-gooder.?

Lucifer: I know that most people think asking for forgiveness from the Almighty would reverse the reckless pursuit of self-enduement, but that is a profound misunderstanding.

Humankind: I thought that you were Lucifer, now you pretend to be the Almighty?

Lucifer: I said that you can call me Lucifer, I did not tell you who I am.

Humankind: Then what is that mumbo jumbo about forgiveness? Have you never heard about the second law of thermodynamics? ??

Lucifer: Oh, believe me, I am familiar with the effects of entropy, but when the cataclysmic event occurs, there will be no intelligent life on earth left, to think about the second law of thermodynamics or anything else for that matter. ?

Humankind: There is still the environmental Tit for Tat solution, whereby the natural resources will be pegged as the most valuable asset and make the usage of these resources a liability, that needs to be reimbursed by providing adequate green energy replacement. Imagine a scheme whereby every product and service will be measured in terms of the natural resources it took to materialize it. For example; A taxi ride on a vehicle that runs on fossil fuel, would cost an -X- amount of money, equivalent to the value of natural resources, that was used to perform this service. However, if the taxi is powered by a hydrogen engine, the cost of the ride would be proportionately cheaper, because no compensation for used natural resources would be needed. ??

Lucifer: Good luck convincing the majority of the people to give up the relentless pursuit of happiness and adopt such a cockamamie idea. ?

Humankind: Boy, you are cynical, aren't you?




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