When it feels like you can’t go on… Keep going!

When it feels like you can’t go on… Keep going!

When it feels like you can’t go on… Keep going!

I remember how I felt, back in October 2014. It was ten months after my mum had died. Seven after my dad.

I was sat in a cell on the Annex wing at the Mount prison. For those who don’t know, that’s the super enhanced wing. I’d been moved there that morning.

It was a big move! It meant freedom to move about, I had my own key for the door… No more 24 hour bang up. I could cook my own food. We had carpets on the floor. The luxury of more than 4 TV channels to watch…

But that evening was the night all the pressures of the past ten months finally got to me.

You see, earlier that evening I’d called a close friend to tell her about my big move. As I excitedly told her, she interrupted me…

‘I have some news for you’, she said.

That’s when she told me that my ex, who I still loved, and one of my best mates were secretly seeing each other.

It was the straw that broke the camels back and I fell apart. I took an overdose and came very close to no longer being here.

If it wasn’t for the fact I had moved to an open wing, then my mate Foxy would not have found me collapsed on the floor. And he wouldn’t of given me the CPR which saved my life.

The next morning was my turning point.

Battered and broken, mentally, emotionally and physically, I made a pact with myself right there and then never to be a victim again!

And so my path to recovery began… Slowly and painful at first, I was in a very bad way. But gradually over time I became stronger, and more optimistic.

I went back to the gym. Started working teaching Critical Reasoning Skills in the education department. And started a psychology degree.

Bit by bit I started to rebuild my life, until finally I secured release.

We will always experience difficult and tough times in life. And it’s totally okay to fall apart sometimes!

But what’s more important is that you get back up, and keep going…

Because when you do, things do change!

#keepgoing #resilience #successmindset #productivity #confidence

To learn more about my story, and how I went to Hell & Back... And Then Some, click here - To Hell And Back, And Then Some... (brainzmagazine.com)


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