When Fear Steals Your Peace...

When Fear Steals Your Peace...

We got our dog, S'mores, just before she turned one.??? She’s a sweet dog, but every time she saw another dog—no matter the size—she’d flip out, barking and lunging. At first, we thought it was aggression, but soon we realized it was fear.

One day, a neighbour’s dog approached, and S'mores charged forward, barking ferociously. But when it got closer, she turned and ran away, making the most awful undog-like sounds—screaming and shrieking as if in pain.

But it wasn’t physical pain; it was pure terror ??.

Fear was driving her irrational behaviour, and it soon affected me. I started planning walks to avoid other dogs, hiding behind cars or trees to dodge encounters. I had allowed her fear to create anxiety in me.

I observed that the more ground I gave fear, the more it controlled both of us and neither one of us was having a good time.??? But since I faced my own fears and took practical steps, we've made some great progress.

Today, S'mores played happily with three new dog friends at the park. We still have work to do, but the journey from fear to peace has begun for her ??????.

Fear’s Irrational Grip ??

Fear has a way of doing strange things to us.

It causes us to

???? act out of character,

?????feel out of control, and

?????think irrationally.

Just like S'mores, who seemed perfectly happy until she saw another dog, fear flips a switch in our hearts, minds and bodies. Suddenly, we’re not just reacting to what’s in front of us—we’re shrinking and avoiding things we’d otherwise be able to handle. Peace is nowhere to be found!

1. Fear contracts us.

It’s a tightening energy that makes us want to shrink back, hide, and avoid what feels threatening. Whether it’s an uncomfortable conversation or a new challenge, fear makes us feel smaller than we truly are.

2. Fear clouds our perception.

Fear tricks us into believing we’re alone or powerless. S'mores’ fear was so strong that she couldn’t recognize the safety of being with us.

3. Fear impacts our actions.

Just like S'mores went into panic mode, fear often causes us to act out in ways we wouldn’t normally behave. The more we feed into it, the more it takes control.

God's Promise and Invitation?

Fear robs us of our peace.?But God invites us to?come back into peace instead of giving in to the fear. His promises and His grace give us the power to rise above fear. The phrase "do not fear" or similar variations like "fear not" is mentioned around 365 times?in the Bible. It is often said there is one mention for each day of the year!

God daily reminds us?to live without fear. Consider?these 3 promises:

?????“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you… Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

???? “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).

?????“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you...” (Isaiah 41:10).

Supernatural Power to Rise Above Fear ??

God doesn’t just call us to conquer fear by our grit, determination or positive thinking—He equips us with His grace. Grace is His supernatural energy working in us. Grace is His ability, strength, and power that we consciously invite to flow through our hearts into our soul (mind, emotion and will) enabling us to rise above fear. We never have to do the journey on our own! But here is the thing,?grace never comes in advance, before we need it.?We experience grace?always as we acknowledge our need, make our request and choose to not shrink back.?

Practical Steps to Overcome Fear and Return to Peace???

1?? Acknowledge the fear:?Recognize when fear is taking control. Don’t disregard it, but don’t let it rule you either.

2?? Acknowledge God’s promises:?Write out and personalize scripture promises?in your journal. Tell yourself about what God has promised you instead of fear.?Create a clear mental picture of what those promises practically look like in your life.

3?? Invite God's grace:?Invite God's grace to work through you, empowering you to face what you fear and find peace in Him as you do.

Just like S’mores and I are working through our fears, you can too. Don’t let fear shrink your life or steal your peace. Choose to face it, one step at a time, and watch as you reclaim both peace and power in your life. I'm here to support you! ??

If you'd like to close the door on fear, ground yourself in peace and learn to access supernatural grace, let's connect. Message me today.

Lois Zehr is an outside-the-box coach who believes life is to be lived from a wholistic perspective. She is passionate about practical spirituality — helping people partner with God to take control of their lives, discover options outside the status quo and develop strategies for whole life success.

Possibility Coaching exists to Heal Hearts, Resource Breakthrough, and Grow Individuals?to express their full God-given potential, consciously creating a life they love and impacting the world with their talents.


