When fear and doubts are closing in around us...
Melanie Pledger
Everyone is talking about DNA Light Up. Awards 2024: Most Knowledgeable Global Executive Coach, Lifestyle Transformation Professional of the Year, Most Trusted International Leadership Development Company. Let's talk.
Me: Hello old friend. How’s things?
Intuition: Hello, lovely to see you! Things are calm, peaceful... I’m enjoying the moment. How about you?
Me: Honestly? I’m in utter turmoil. Things are changing so fast around me. I’m frightened. Thinking about the next lockdown. New rules. Different instructions. Contradictory advice... I really don’t know what to believe, and I’m scared.
Intuition: Ah, yes, I understand. I hear you...
Me: (sigh of relief) Do you? Oh thank goodness. You’re not going to tell me to keep calm and carry on? To put on a brave face? Suck it up buttercup?
Intuition: (chuckling) No, of course not! I’m going to listen. To hear. To understand what’s happening for you... I’m only interested in meeting you where you are, right now
Me: (shoulders relaxing) Wow, well that’s a comfort! All I’ve heard today is conflicting advice... things I ought to be doing, different ways I should be dealing with stuff... I don’t know, I feel kinda put down and told off - and like I should be doing better...
Intuition: I’m sorry that’s been your experience. People sometimes find it hard to witness others who are struggling... they feel a need to ‘fix’ people...
Me: You’re so right! Wow! You hit the nail on the head! I know they mean well, but it just leaves me feeling... well... not good enough...
Intuition: And now...? How are you feeling now?
Me: I feel heard. I feel understood. I feel it’s ok to not be ok... which, bizarrely, makes me feel better! Thank you ??
Intuition: Ahhh... so now we’re on the right track. There’s nothing to fix you know. There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with you... there never was...
Me: But I thought you’d tell me off for not being positive and shiny!
Intuition: (chuckling, a little louder) And that’s what so many people think... and look where thinking takes us eh? Sit with me a while... tell me what’s going on for you... the good, the bad and the ugly... and then you’ll discover, right at the core, in this moment, all is well
Me: (sighing, and smiling) Thank you... I’m already feeling better... and all you did was listen...
Intuition: (responds with a knowing wink and a warm smile... and says nothing)
#intuition #lightwithin #innerknowing #innerwisdom #lightuptheworld #listen