When the Fastest Stop Growing
Ryan Kauth
business ownership advocate | university lecturer | business coach | fractional executive | podcast host | facilitator
At one time, you made the list of your area's fastest growing companies. You were on the region's list too. You even had a very commendable spot on the Inc 5000.
And then...you weren't.
Was it a strategic decision to "stop growing," did "the market determine" it...or was it something else?
And here we come to that "Other" category again. It sounds negative. It could be uncomfortable because it doesn't feel the same. It might even be maddening.
Strategic decisions to construct or contract rather than grow or exit are never easy ones to make. They still take the same amount of planning. Maybe more.
The problem is that most don't plan their "Other" entirely. The challenge is that without communication of this, it could kill your culture. It definitely will leave many in your organization shaking their heads. Again.
When it's in our best interest not to grow, we are seldom proactive about it. Proactivity includes planning, getting feedback, planning, and communicating throughout. Most of this is based on why. Why is it a good idea right now not to grow? Is it hiring? Interest rates? Capacity? Cultural degradation? Personal inability to lead a larger organization?
Any of these can halt growth. Any of these can call for a temporarily halt for construction. Even though the analogy is thrown out there a lot, you actually cannot build an airplane while you fly it.
How do you communicate to your organization when you have decided it will stop growing?
Ryan Kauth
Ryan Kauth is a business coach for established founders and family businesses, fractional executive , university lecturer , facilitator, and board member. He also likes to walk his dog regularly. His calendar is open to no-obligation Grow | Exit | Other discussions.