When Everything Connects
Where in your life do you feel like you are a part of something bigger than yourself? Perhaps it is at home - serving in your individual role as a spouse, parent, child, or sibling, but also as an important element of your family unit. Or maybe it is in your church or community - you give of your time and talents and you can see how, when everyone in the community is working together, there is exponential value in the collective contribution. You may be fortunate to also have this sense of connectedness at work - an understanding that your role, in conjunction with the efforts of your team members, plays an important part in accomplishing a meaningful organizational mission.
Reflect for a moment on the ease with which you see the connection between who you are/what you bring to the world and the talents and contributions of others around you:
Experiencing synthesis with others and a higher purpose doesn’t always come naturally to each person. It may be challenging at times to see beyond our own efforts to the bigger picture. And yet, when synthesis with others and with a sense of purpose is absent, it can be difficult to sustain energy and motivation. Our risk of burnout and stagnation increases when we don’t recognize the significance of our actions and efforts. How, then, can we increase our own sense of connectedness and our ability to recognize where it exists in our lives?
Prioritize Relationships
Articulate your Purpose & Take Action
Be a Connector
When everything connects...our energy flows and our motivation is heightened. When we begin to have this experience more and more frequently in our lives, our possibilities become limitless. I encourage you to set an intention today to keep staying connected to others and to better understand how your gifts, talents, and actions are contributing to the lives of others and to the world. Who you are and what you do makes a difference!