When is it ENOUGH?
Dear whoever the hell is in charge ….
I have learned behavior is the result of something, okay.--.I will keep this simple and not go into my background. And I have been asking myself ”How the heck did we catch this virus that usually only other animals catch from each other…?” The COVD19 is a virus, I read, usually contained in the animal kingdom , and that this is the first instance such a virus has jumped from an animal to a human! So we have no immunity built up against it and can just keep our distance from one another until perhaps in a YEAR a vaccine will be invented in THIS COUNTRY. and
Well , the answer turned out to be fairly simple.. People were hungry enough to eat something they have NEVER eaten before. I have heard all sorts of interesting things such as bats and such.. or other wild animals. The point is WHY????
This Virus is deadly because it forms cells that stick to the inside of your lungs making it hard for you to breath, I read in the Washington Post.
I have watched the United States completely fall apart these last few years. People are homeless, HOMELESS AND HUNGRY…people can’t afford to pay their water and or electric bills so many have stopped using hot water to wash dishes and clothing others have to get clean water in bottles from the grocery store or fill up at a machine. The suicide rate is up among vets and not people are asking the older generation to sacrifice their lives implying our worthlessness. (Don’t even get me started on that!) WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO ACT LIKE A RESPONSIBLE COUNTRY?????? WHAT?
This has to stop! Sticking to the decorum and rules that clearly don’t address this situation or work when you have a President denying a state ventilators because of a personal grudge which was the outcome of a Judge’s decision is UNBELIEVABLE! We all know it too. He has no idea how to solve it any problems, he yells has a twitter storm. That pathetic package offered to the people in this country when viewing how people in other countries are treated is laughable and the other countries are laughing at us. We are no longer the GREATEST COUNTRY because GLOBALLY leader SEE how little “we the people “ are Valued! When is it ENOUGH?
What hasn’t happened to show that Trump does not care about AMERICA?
He talks to other dictators, alienates all our allies, pulls out of the Paris agreement something we should all partake of since it is about saving our EARTH—Hello! Has no skills or wherewithal to care or demonstrate any sort of progress for the people in the country and kisses the corporations bottoms!
He has trampled on all of our Civil Rights and worse to undo all the crap he has destroyed will probably take years in the courts. He has hurt famers, women, workers, Veterans, you name it! 400 bills passed by Congress sit….just sit! Sit! He ignores the Constitution completely and has Barr and McConnel playing favorites and inventing rules and laws-ignoring subpoenas to support him!!! It’s hard to tell who the Criminals are these days!
He has been impeached, people have protested, written letters, made phone calls all for naught!
So now when the country really needs to pull everyone together, you know what? No one gives a shit. People in the South are still packing into Walmart and CVS ! Governors are turning away help and asking people to pray. If a child was sick and the kids parents acted that way…they could be charged with NEGLECT and ABUSE..!!! But not our very own president!
He has made a fool of democracy
He has put people seeking refuge in our country…women and children in cages where they are not getting medical help and are not thriving, some dying from disease.
You’d think that would be enough to question this man’s ability to lead. Securing the borders is one thing…mistreating people , families who have come to America the Beautiful for help is just plain Cruel! But NOTHING is happening with that
All those bills Congress has worked on and passed to benefit the country…McConnell is allowed to just not attend to them…and they are piling up—What is being done. NOTHING
When the Mueller Report came out and it was clear Trump had RUSSIA our ENEMY assist him with his security force and hack our system and he hijacks Assange and then keeps him forever who knows where even when the guy helped him win and that comes out…NOTHING Happens!
I could go on but it just totally pisses me off! Other countries don’t WELCOME AMERICAN because they think we all voted for Trump…omg. And they make jokes and drop their allegiance to us. What happens with that? Nothing
He is criminalizing abortion and throwing people in Jail for not paying their debts. He has threatened to remove Social Security and rename it so that the government can legally steal money from our paychecks and he has allowed discrimination in the workplace so that I can be asked my age and not get hired…He doesn’t stop to wonder why the elderly are killing themselves, but we are reprimanded for not wanting to go to work and catch the COVD19 and sacrifice our lives?
I am so overwhelmed by all the mean spirited behavior I have witnessed in the country and lack of care when most of us have lost our jobs and are working two or three jobs and can’t pay our rent. People are so frustrated, so angry so. Worn down by this government that we are not listening….WE are not thriving…and NO ONE CARES to listen to anyone anymore because life has become so expensive in this country. There is no buy in either since we all know we will never amass any sort of funds or success because the cards are stacked against us
It is clear that women are to be made slaves in the home, rules regarding violence against women have been relaxed…abortion taken way as a choice. And wages are not equal so a women struggles when left by the husband and left caring for those kids.
There is WAY more to discuss. And I frankly too am tired of posting what is wrong. How American overall feel and why…I am a social worker trained to look at the BIG PICTURE and the BIG PICTURE shows that this environment in this country IS SET UP FOR THE PEOPLE TO BECOME poor, depressed, sick, institutionalized and or forgotten about. It is clear looking at the governments in other countries what we DON”T HAVE! What’s worse…I can remember what we did have…and I’m not even that old. But now I live at poverty level with two Master Degrees.. Guess you all showed me how worthless my education is, right? And you’ve shown my daughter too!
Our values and morals in this country have sunk below LOW. Our health care sucks…education sucks, housing sucks. All the basics needed to be able to grow and actualize as a human being, according to Maslow. We, not all ..but most value Money! How much is the top priority, and name calling and bullying is the new normal. This is a terrible time!
Like I started my letter, I don’t know who the hell is in charge—BUT you in our government to have allowed this to go on and on HOPING the ELECTIONS will change things…well, that was seriously not thought out. People don’t believe their VOTE means a damn thing. Others feel Russia will be involved and are overwhelmed and those of us holding on. Are getting tired too! I am beyond flabbergasted by how dumb this administration thinks the American public are even when we are hearing propaganda on the NEWS!
People are now sick with a very serious VIRUS and I am so ashamed of all of you dickering about money while people are DYING! FROM NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN.
Other countries pity us for having to have this government and laugh thinking we have brought all this on ourselves, which is not the case. I sit pondering where I can move out of this country just to be able to afford rent on my pathetic social security…and Medicare. I am stuck here for now. Stuck!!! …but I will not go silently!
This has become a third world country. Only a very few are living the American Dream if that even is a possibility anymore…We are running out of space to sleep on the sidewalks and people are not ashamed to say they are homeless anymore because it’s been going on for so long. Why on earth anyone would want or trust anything coming out of this country is beyond my comprehension. I used to be proud to be an American. I was! Was being the operative word. I can’t believe how when I went through Canada I felt ashamed to say so
We are the BAD COUNTRY now. We are not innovative or caring or welcoming or helping countries with all this wealth! All the wealth goes to 1 percent of the population and they are greedy, heartless , rule bound -seems any semblance of common sense or empathy has disappeared and we are left with a Broken Country to live in. So not inspiring…
You have to UNDERSTAND the LEVEL of apathy that is prevalent when we all get together and talk…All people do is blame each other…people drink more, smoke pot, .take Opiates, commit suicide or become mass shooters. Why ? We NO CHOICES anymore. We have no reason to CARE because we are getting NOTHING in return!
Now that this virus is overtaking this country due to people probably starving…what is being done in Good Ole America?
We have to feel appreciative for any SCRAP thrown at us. No one in office has pride like the German VP. Trump would rather kill all of us then ever take any sort of responsibility. He lies and he is still in OFFICE…and he was ALLOWED to HANDLE this VIRUS when Clearly he was not elected fairly and is NOT capable of caring for our COUNTRY which was Demonstrated….I find that utterly appalling. And I BLAME ALL OF YOU IN OFFICE! Someone needs to step up and take the lead. At least try to demonstrate the level of morality that supports a democracy..if you are not sure--Look up Kohlberg.!