When Enough is Enough

When Enough is Enough

I need to see myself as a writer. I can write. I need to stop thinking, “Genein, no one really cares what you think. Your voice doesn’t matter. You stutter. You don’t hold a powerful title. Who are you anyway?”

Such limiting beliefs that were the cold bars of my self imposed silent jail cell. Oh, the invisible tape that’s been over my mouth for so long. Oh, the lost opportunities to share, to contribute, to defend, to be a part of this national conversation.

Well I say, no more.

I need to get out of my own way.


Because it’s not about me. It’s about my students, it’s about my son and my nieces and nephews. It’s about those yet unborn.

They’re waiting for me to say, “Enough is enough!”

Enough is enough with offering no financial education whatsoever while we continue to bury our youth in student debt before they are even old enough to qualify for reasonable car insurance.

Enough is enough with graduating our students into an unprecedented creative tech and imaginative economy while we SAP the creativity out of them with standardized tests and rote memorization during their 13 years of schooling. Enough is enough with not offering any type of entrepreneurial or soft skills training when the business world keeps urging us that these are the skills that actually improve life and business success (even if they never become entrepreneurs).

Enough is enough. I am proclaiming that for my students because someone proclaimed that over me.

Those who stood with Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and William Still to end our nation’s horrific relationship with slavery had me in mind. Those who were attacked on the Pettus Bridge during the Civil Rights Movement had me in mind. Those who fought, and are still fighting, for a better narrative for our people of color had me in mind.

So I tell you, enough is enough.

I have no choice but to write, to contribute, and to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. I have no choice because I have the next generation in mind. It’s no longer about me because it already was about me.

So therefore Genein, you are a writer.

So write.



Genein Letford, M.Ed的更多文章

