When is Enough - Enough to Demand Change?
Michai Mathieu Morin
CEO @ Coeus Institute | Leading the Future of Autonomous Data Transformation Systems
A Civilian Service Announcement:
A pandemic of proportions never seen by anyone currently alive and speculations about its origins still remain questionable. Billionaires becoming unfathomably richer at the same time the working class plummets into a great depression the likes modern civilization has never witnessed. Politicians pandering to Corporate donors with legislation that benefits no American but the Corporations - while at the same time engaging in insider trading. The Antarctic is melting at a rate uncalculated while the Arctic is hitting over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This is all due to intentional environmental regulation stagnation on the part of our “leaders”. A massive elite pedophile ring spanning European Royalty, American business elite, Hollywood, and potentially the Administration. Race-related riots not seen since the civil rights movement. Trillions of dollars spent on a defense budget that seems to accomplish very little if the last few wars are any indication of overspending effectiveness. All sectors of business moving toward fully automated systems that directly threaten the jobs of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Mass media lies, omits, spreads misinformation, and buddies up to political affiliates on all sides every day, and yet nothing is done about it. Wildfires sweeping the globe destroying millions of acres of forest… and on, and on, and on.
We have become the next lost civilization if we cannot kick the most corrupted world leadership in history to the curb and start fresh with new regulatory methods, new single term limitations for appointed officials, fair tax on multinationals, healthcare for all taxpayers, and more civil oversight committees. We must demand so much more from our short-sighted dignitaries before it's too late. Get angry, be productive, stay informed, and research history. Our species future is literally at stake.