August 24, 2019

Battle, Indians, Native, Natives, Burning of Port Royal, N.S., 1613, Burning, Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Battles, Soldiers, Troops, Bow and Arrow, Bows and Arrows, Weapons, Guns, War, Army, Formation, Tuttle, Charles Tuttle, History of the Dominion, Popular

 Port Royal on the Annapolis Basin in Nova Scotia was the very first French settlement in North America. It served as the capitol of Acadia (the North-Eastern-most colony of New France) from 1605 until the English burned it down in 1613. The French then moved their settlement nearby (8km or 5mi), retaining the name of Port Royal until the English conquest in 1710 at the Siege of Port Royal (after six attacks by the British), at which point it was renamed in honour of Queen Anne, and still retains the name of Annapolis Royal. 

The town was the Capitol of Acadia until the founding of the province of Nova Scotia and it wasn't until 1749 when the city of Halifax was founded that the capitol was moved to Halifax. The French made six attempts to regain their territory with no luck. To this date, this city holds the record for the most sieges in North American History with a total of 13. The last being a raid on the town in the American Revolution. The history behind this town is quite remarkable and is now a National Landmark. The original Port Royal also houses the Port Royal National Historic Site where a replica of the original dwellings of the French can be seen. A wonderful piece of Canadian History!

Plan, City, Harbour, Louisbourg, Gabarus Bay, English landed, Encampment, Siege, 1745, New England Forces Landed, Flat Point, Burr's Regiment, Pepperil's Regiment, General Pepperil, Gen. Pepperil's Quarters, Piquet lane, Flat Point Cove, Fresh Water Brook, Willard's Regiment, Moulton's Regiment, Moore's Regiment, White Point, City of Louisbourg, Black Cape, Green Island, Island Battery, Battery Island, North Cape, English Battery, Harbour of Louisbourg, Trenches, Tidcombs Battery, Martezans, Barraks, Hale's Regiment, Royal Battery, French Settlements, North East Harbour, Careening Place, Lighthouse, Gorhams Regiment, Magdalen Islands, Magdalen Isles, Gulf of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Island of Cape Breton, Map of Cape Breton, Cape Breton, Mokodomo, Country Har, Tor Bay, White Head, White Point, Cape Canso, Canso Island, Durels Island, Green Island, Isle Madam, Port Toulouse, St. Peters, Isle Michaux, Isle de St. Esprit, Fourche, Guion Island, Skatarid, Flint Island, Indian Bay, Spaniards Bay, Isle de Boularderie, Labrador Entry, Port Dauphin, Cape Ensime, Niganishe, Isle Royale, North Cape, Isle St. Paul, Cape St. Laurence, Laimboch, East Point of St. john's Island, Gut of Casano, Cape Fronsak, Patriere Grand anse, Shedabukte, Milford, Isle Mirar, Labrador, Canada, Canadian Map, Canadian, Canadian Maps, Map, Maps, Mapping, Chart, Charts, Charting, Vintage, Antique, Antique Map, Original, Rare, Rare Maps, Original Maps, Collector, Unique, Engraving, Copper engraving,


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