When to Engage a Coatings Consultant?
When to Engage a Coatings Consultant?
Often, we place much of our effort and calculations on the functional aspects of an asset. What is the asset’s sole purpose – to hold or move water, oil, or provide structural support to our infrastructure? We tend to overlook the importance of protective coatings, a non-functional project aspect and typically the first item to fail. Unfortunately, as a coating’s consultant, our involvement in a project is too late– typically after a failure has occurred. At this point, asset owners and engineering firms ask many important questions. One question more prevalent than the rest – “How do I prevent this from happening in the future?”
The answer is simple – utilize a certified coatings consultant during the early development stages of a project. Early engagement, during project initiation and planning, can help mitigate execution risk. Below we outline the benefits of involvement in each project phase.
Initiation – The need to protect a new asset or an evaluation of an existing asset, can lead to the initiation of the project. During the evaluation, you should be identifying the need, or “end asset state,” for rehabilitation or build. The stakeholders involved can analyze the most viable solutions for the asset based on the priorities of the owner. Questions like, whether a full remediation is necessary and what budgetary constraints should be investigated. (Note: Evaluations can be used to prioritize which project to initiate. That’s another topic for another day.)
Planning – This is a critical time to identify, mitigate, or accept the risk associated with the coating’s application. A consultant can help guide you through the most common risks associated with application based on the coatings type, asset environment, and applicator source selection. Additionally, consultants help strengthen your project specification to control quality through inspection processes and industry-accepted application procedures.
Execution – Inspection during the application is the best way to monitor and control risk from early-onset coatings failure and from a litigious scenario. A coatings inspector and consultant are there to not only monitor and control application processes, but to provide recommendations to resolve unexpected issues in real-time, limiting delays in production. There are countless variables in an ever-changing process that can lead to premature failure – environmental concerns, mixing procedures, equipment cleanliness, and most importantly surface preparation and cleanliness. Resolving those issues sooner mitigates future problems and greatly outweighs the cost associated with inspection.
Closeout – We do not view a project as “closed out” until the end of the warranty period by the applicator. We recommend reinspection of the assets near the end of the warranty period, typically one year, to identify any possible issues that can be addressed at that time and repaired. ??Utilizing a consultant or inspector that is familiar with the project will ensure continuity of service and ultimately lead to a better, finished product.?
(NOTE: The size of each phase below is intentional, Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance)