When the Enemy is a Virus
My customers and clients are the men and women of our nation’s armed services. They all volunteered for a career they knew may eventually put them in harm’s way. What they may not have considered was the threat wouldn’t come from an enemy or adversary, but instead from a virus. So today, while most Americans are practicing social distancing and sheltering in place, our military forces are showing up for work on post every day, keeping our nation safe and secure, and in the process putting themselves at risk. We thank them for serving us during this time of national crisis.
There are many critical things our military personnel are focused on currently, and aside from gearing up to work remotely, IT and printing are likely not among them. That said, there are many printers and multifunction devices operating in their environment and used by multiple people. Keeping these devices clean and sanitary is important for the health and safety of users, particularly as organizations seek to minimize risk from the COVID-19 situation. And so, I would like to share the proper cleaning instructions to help combat the spread of COVID-19. My goal is to support the mission by keeping boots on the ground to win the fight.
Printer and multifunction devices (MFDs), including washable touchscreens, are designed to withstand daily cleaning and disinfecting to minimize the risk of cross contamination. We at Lexmark recommend these devices be cleaned at least once daily using the process outlined below. Device users should also practice good personal hygiene, including frequent hand washing for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers with 60-90% alcohol content.
Use an alcohol-based cleaner with a minimum concentration of 60% alcohol or pre-manufactured disinfectant towelettes with minimum 60% concentration. Do not use ammonia-based or chlorine-based cleaners.
1. Turn off machine.
2. Apply approved cleaner to a soft cloth, or use pre-manufactured disinfectant towelettes.
3. Wipe down exterior surfaces of the device with the soft cloth or towelette.
4. Pay close attention to high touch areas such as smart panels, lids, trays and keyboards.
For additional information, I invite you to click the link below.
I hope this article will provide guidance that keeps our military personnel safe and well. Here’s hoping, too for a rapid end to this crisis.