When Educators Become Talentless Leaders...
Carlos Cymerman
Recruiting for Good...Helping Companies Find Talented Professionals For Sweet Jobs & Fund Sweet Causes to Party for GOOD! #LandaSweetJob #JoinTheClub #PartyforGood @RecruitingforGood
Did you hear Michigan schools are Canceling Halloween and Valentine's Day? Educators in Michigan have become talentholes (the moral authority for the entire community).
"If Michigan Educators had some depth and creativity they could create the best Halloween ever... go out and get sponsors, have the kids create their own costumes, one of many ideas...that came to me as I am writing this post."
Leadership Comes With Responsibility
Cancelling holidays to create equality...uh?
Punish everyone for the sake of inclusivity...that sounds Un-American! It's bad enough that kids have to deal with the stressors of COVID...why not pile on some more bureaucratic BS on top PLEASE...talk about being TONE DEAF!
"For the past month, I have been hosting Halloween Parties every weekend, some kids can't even socialize, they seem to coward from interacting with other kids."
Are There Any Adults Making Decisions in Michigan?
The decision made by this Michigan school district; will forever scar and traumatize the kids that won't be allowed to participate in Halloween and Valentine's Day...think about that!
What do you think about that?