When Dreams Meet Democracy: A Tibetan American's Letter to President Biden
Dear Mr. President,
This letter emerges from a heart filled with gratitude, yet carries a vision for an even more historic America. You have given so much of yourself to this country's betterment - achievements recognized worldwide. Today, I begin with thanks.
Your signing of the Resolve Tibet Act speaks to me personally, for I am a product of Chinese occupation of Tibet. My biological family's composition - a single mother and two brothers - bears witness to history. My grandparents left everything behind in their 1959 escape from Tibet, for they had no choice. Life was not easy growing up, but America transformed everything for my small family.
This nation did more than provide opportunity - it developed my mind to think freely. I am as American as I am Tibetan, a duality that enriches my perspective. My deepest dream is to one day guide my mother back to Tibet, where she might see her homeland without fear, worship His Holiness the Dalai Lama freely in our own country. Because of your actions, this dream feels within reach.
My gratitude extends to your lifetime of service to this nation. Yet even as I acknowledge your contributions, I must speak to the present moment. These past four years presented an opportunity to nurture a successor, to strengthen your legacy through mentorship. Instead, you chose a different path, one that reminds me of Justice RBG - another leader I deeply revere, whose final decision cast shadows on her magnificent legacy.
Now, I present a challenge born of hope: Consider retirement that creates space for our first Woman President, if only for a month. Such an act would not diminish your legacy - it would crown it with historic significance. Even a month of female presidential leadership would lift countless souls and inspire generations.
Mr. President, you hold the power to transform this immigrant's appeal into reality. My fast-thinking brain breeds speculation, but my heart holds hope for your choice to make history one final time.
With deepest gratitude and earnest plea,
#PreservingDemocracy #FreeTibet #WomenInLeadership #AmericanDream #Leadership