When in Doubt ... Just PUP It
When in doubt … Just PUP It.
This is something my manager told me many years ago.
It means … Just Pick Up the Phone!
Instead of a long running string of emails or chat sessions or texts or any of the other myriad of ways you might be using to communicate …
Just Pick Up the Phone!
But, but, but …
- Sure. You are busy.
- Sure. The other party may be in a different time zone.
- Sure. You might be in a running disagreement with the person.
These are not viable excuses.
When in doubt … Just PUP It!
From personal experience I can tell you that a 5 minute phone call beats days of emails and chats by a long shot.
Excuses don't matter … Results Do!
Everyone is busy. Yes, we are in a global society. On the phone you can better understand nuance and be able to react in real time (good and bad) to the person on the other end of the line.
When in doubt … Just PUP It!
Pro Tip: Include ALL of your contact details on every email
Yes, email is old school. However, lots of people in the business world still use it to communicate.
And, I can tell you from personal experience there is nothing more frustrating that trying to find someone's phone number. Well, there might be a few things more frustrating, but in the business world … being able to quickly find the information you need to contact someone is critical.
I wrote this about the thinking behind including your contact info … every time.
One Simple Tip to Make it Easier to Engage
Pro Tip: Consider putting your contact info on your LinkedIn profile
It's true, LinkedIn is becoming the lingua franca for business communications.
However, there are some caveats. Some are here today and some will be rearing their ugly heads in the coming years. One caveat is that there are still creepers out there on LinkedIn. That will likely never change, but you need to be cognizant that some people don't have the best intentions on LinkedIn. This is especially true for women. The level of vitriol I see and hear from women using LinkedIn is going up (not down).
Recommendation to LinkedIn (the company) --- Keep working on your tool. Put more Artificial Intelligence behind the scenes to identify the "creepers" and also allow users to tag suspicious users.
Caveat for LinkedIn --- Beware of Type II Beta Errors.
No matter how you find the other persons contact information just make the time to Pick Up the Phone. You can shortcut a lot of confusion and reduce some of the consternation related to endless email threads and chat conversations.
Remember …
When in doubt … Just PUP It!
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