When in Doubt
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Yesterday, I posted on Clean Up. I think it worth some time and consideration. Part of the result of the process I shared lies in this.
I have dubbed it my "Constellation". I posted this on Facebook today, in connection with its creation:
- Amidst the wind and snow, the 93 centimeters, the digging out, the stir craziness, the shoveling (still underway), I had time to prayerfully and soulfully reflect on my life heading into and beyond my big birthday coming in a month. Amidst the soulful silence, I listened. I truly listened. I cleared my head of all worldly expectations and simply asked what would bring my Soul joy? I asked and I shut up. <3 I let the thoughts appear. <3 <3 Truthfully, there were no surprises... but there was indeed a Simplicity that raised it's beautiful head. <3 <3 <3 The result, I journaled and this is my "Constellation". <3 <3 <3 <3 It speaks to the spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, vocational, educational and more... but with a visual Simplicity. <3 The storm forced me to have such time. I am glad I accepted the invite. <3 BTW... W.E.A.L.T.H. stands for When Love and Excellence Take Hold.
When Love and Excellence Take Hold. Today, I had the gracious Helpfulness of friends with the continuing journey of digging out... with the State of Emergency extending into tomorrow. That being said, in one simple and momentary conversation quite early today, I was reminded of the power of even well intended words to potentially hurt or inspire. I do not consider myself "soft" nor "delicate". I am aware of my own strength, proven over the years. I am also aware that we all have doubts, and some of them come from people close to us. And they can appear in but one word.
In the moments following and still now, I am reminded of (a) the importance of my "Constellation" and Vision Wall, as they articulate what is most and truly important to me and (b) the vital importance of believing in oneself.
Yes, When Love and Excellence Take Hold. On the latter (b) above, I find my own Faith...
... in myself through what I consider to be an epic prayer called The Fire Tablet. When I hear it or say it, I find myself with the consistent answer "within". When I play this prayer, many times as I am going off to sleep, the answer to "where" comes "within". When I read the words of Bahá’u’lláh ...
- "Noble have I created thee, yet thou hast abased thyself. Rise then unto that for which thou wast created."
... I am reminded of the understanding that comes from replacing "thee" and "thou" with Barry and "thyself" with "himself". Try it yourself, with your name. See? I am also reminded of these words:
- "Dost thou reckon thyself only a puny form, when within thee the universe is folded?"
Indeed. When Love and Excellence Take Hold.
I am also reminded of songs that speak to this like I Dare You and I am the Fire or All Fired Up. I am reminded of The Light and Best I Can or Lifeline. I am reminded of The Power to Dream and It's Not My Time or Don't Give Up on Me. I am reminded of One Day Remains and Armed and The Hero Within and Authiirian Anthem. Indeed, I am reminded of A Thousand Years and Shallow and Lavender. And more.
And, I am reminded of Malala... and Biko ... and more again.
My Point
Believe. Damn well believe. If the world does not, do anyway. Don't believe in what you think you should believe, or what the world thinks is right in which to believe. Don't even believe in what well intended close ones think you should believe. Go within, dare to discern and decide and deliver on what your Soul whispers in a scream. The Ego can be delusional. The Soul cannot. Dig deep. Right under your very life vein.
Some years ago, I was asked to sing this song by Andrea Bocelli at two consecutive CAPS Conferences in Toronto and Halifax. If curious, here is the translation. It was a daunting request and task and, while never achieving the beauty of his voice, I think I did some Justice.
Again, my point? Believe. An anomaly does not fit in, but finds its fit. There is a difference. The former forges conformity, the latter builds unity. We are all unique. While stats can be cited to predict behaviour, stats are built on track records and the past does not necessarily equal the future.
Finally, my point? Go within.
Read and reflect on the Clean Up. Invest in your Soul. Listen to it. Take those 5 steps alluded to in the Clean Up. Find and identify your heroes. Read about them. Learn from them, all. Maybe even try out this Kiersey assessment for free. Forge your own best Soulful identity by being courageously truthful with yourself; prayerfully, meditatively and/or otherwise.
And when those doubts come ... from within, from strangers or even from those close to you, "be your own best friend, stand up and say, this is mine, all mine". Yup, right now. And right now. Be that strange animal. Maybe even dance on your own ground.
For me, and for you, I suggest go inside... be courageously soulfully truthful. Find your Constellation. Then, put in the work.
For me, if it is not aligned with this Constellation thing, there is no Hell Yeah. And there must be.
My bottom line.
The dream is cool, the vision too... and having a plan rocks (especially if all grounded on that Soul work). But, it is the aligning of execution that matters. So, when in doubt, go within, be certain of your Soul, and execute. The doubts will have no answer to a soulful life well executed.
Peace, passion and prosperity...
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage