Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
The pace of AI is already moving faster than where humans can keep up. Last week there was the outrage that ChatGPT was threatening harm against the Asimov’s Law of Robotics, then criticism on how the system had shortcomings.
This week the University of Sydney in their research is saying Digital humans in four categories are inevitable across the board already employed as virtual agents for things such as one-time tasks, virtual assistance on repetitive tasks, virtual influencers with repetitive promoting of products and virtual companions basically assisting with ad hoc tasks, carrying out daily routines and running engagements. Putting this against humans, these assistants never tire, never complain, never seek a raise and always follow “company” policy. The latter is aligned with the ability to have AI linked to a computer-generated Avatar reproducing realistic human speech [in language of your choice] and graphic designed human models of your choosing. And if anyone cannot see this coming, proof is how in a 2023 Arts Degree at Sydney University, the first week has already seen most of the class work carried on remotely. How can students produce original work when so much can be created artificially?
Within a week, there are reports of books completely written and published on Amazon through the Chat Ap. How can people be expected to have a publishing industry employing more than just a few people? How about legal interns who can now download any precedents without having to spend days on research. Your [or my] wife can have a knee operation conducted in Australia by someone in Canada and fewer people are being injured by driverless cars than when operated by humans. And look at the speed of all this progress.
Which then brings back the question Professor Yuval Harari raises of the coming “Useless class” of people but which neither he nor anyone else is game to take to suggested conclusion. Yet given the speed of AI encroachment on life in general, this question needs to be addressed otherwise the Hawkes will decide to resolve it by a further World War where they will make money and survive but it will not be all that pleasant for the rest of humanity. And if this WWIII is not a possibility, anyone opening their eyes would see how Biden's America having lost Afghanistan needs to rearm and is goading Russia into what could be a Nuclear War - yet conveniently again far removed from US soil. Perhaps someone should ask ChatGPT what to do?