When does your personal growth flip from being healthy to damaging?

When does your personal growth flip from being healthy to damaging?


Just another overused buzzword? Because it seems everywhere I turn, people are talking about growth: strategically, commercially and, of course, politically ('levelling up' anyone?...)

It got me thinking.

We can track organisational and professional growth, but how do we usefully measure personal growth?

?And when it does flip from being healthy to damaging?

?The thing is, you wouldn’t walk into a new leadership position without the tools required to develop and perform at the highest level. Equally, you can't be expected to grow an agency or business without focusing first on your personal growth.

?So where's the balance? How, as a senior leader, do you pursue professional growth without sacrificing your own health, wealth and happiness? What an absolute and pointless waste that would be!

Yet, these are the fundamental leadership blind spots I see all too often...

"To achieve successful business growth you must first successfully grow yourself"

Here's what I'm seeing with some of my senior clients together with some key practical advice for you:

  1. A love/hate response when asked how they really feel about their leadership and world of work: They love it because finally someone is checking in with them in a way that is safe, genuine, helpful and with no agenda. They hate it because they know there's nowhere for them to hide when I ask the question! (I only ever work with the naked truth, which at times can be hard to face). >> Owning how you truly feel about your leadership and your world of work is fundamental to successfully achieving powerful growth.
  2. A fear of sleepwalking through life and losing?confidence in their professional purpose: In a world of constant change and overwhelm, it can be easy to deviate from your 'north star'. >> Try writing your purpose down and ask yourself: do the words light you up inside? Are they enough to get you out of bed, even on the darkest of mornings? They need to be!
  3. Failing to effectively describe their role to me when asked the very simple question - "What is your job?" Without clarity on your real job you will leak energy, feel stressed, anxious and your potential will be limited. Fact. Yet there seems to be a weird acceptance it's totally normal for senior leaders not to have absolute clarity on their role and alignment across the Exec Team. This has to change. >> Write down the key aspects of your role? Be honest - can you clearly do this? If you asked others to write down what they think your job is, would it be the same? What's the impact of this?

Have another read and if you find yourself nodding in agreement with any or all of the above points, ask yourself:

> What are you going to do about it?

> Who are you going to get to support you?

Because proper personal growth cannot be done on your own, no matter how senior your title.

I'd love to hear what thoughts and actions this has prompted in you. Meanwhile, have a great weekend!

Cheers, Sally

Originally published to Mentor in your Pocket Email Newsletter.

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Sally Henderson, High-Stakes Leadership Mentor的更多文章

