When do you really opt for the “medicine highway"?
I meet hundreds of parents.
Many are going through tough times as their son or daughter goes through aggressive bouts of violence.
And yet the parents are hesitant in medications as a way forward.
Autism is a condition which has no known medications as on date that help a child.
But yes, it is clearly accepted that therapies are the best way to help a child improve.
But there are comorbidities that do not improve with therapies.
Take ADHD for example.
It’s a known researched fact that around 50% or more children with autism also have ADHD as well.
For any therapy to be effective if “ sitting tolerance “ is not there, no positive outcome can be expected.
So it becomes imperative that we tackle Adhd first to help the child have positive learning outcomes.
And that is where medications for ADHD is needed as an option.
Once the medications start helping the child in increasing “ sitting “ , learning happens.
Of course, any medications will naturally have side effects.
We need to weigh what is benefits versus side effects.
Side effects vanish when medications are stopped!
Anxiety is a major concern in autism.
In fact, autism and anxiety go together.
Children with autism think or talk in “ black and white“ .
This “black and white “ expectation is what causes severe anxiety in autistic individuals.
Anxiety leads to behaviours and to aggressive meltdowns both SI and assaulting.
There are times when medications are the only way in resolving anxiety.
Most parents prefer not to medicate their child and hope for therapy to help make their child better.
But there comes a time when parents reach a point when only medicine can help.
Only you as a parent can decide what is best for your son or daughter!
No one knows your child better than you do!
AK Kundra