When Do People Notice the Retirement Problem?
DrFred Rouse
I Help People Enjoy Retirement Sooner without worrying about a job or a business with breakthrough Short Window Retirement Planning. Details at DrRouseNow.com
At what point do people say, "Uh-Oh! I might not be able to retire."
According to Dr. Rouse, “With my overview of close to 30 years of people’s lives investments and tax returns, I can see the major problems in people’s tax and financial situations that will have them working well into their 80s out of necessity. I show my Clients exactly how to permanently fix those problems, fast track their saving and retirement funds so they can get the life they want and deserve."
He continues, "I want these Clients and everyone else to know there are easier ways to benefit from their hard earned money that they either don’t know about or have not implemented."
Rouse concludes, "It’s my current quest and goal to share them and do everything I can to ensure their long term financial security and success as traders because more money gives you more options in life.”
Learn More at: https://drfredrouse.com/