When do people choose to consume energy drinks and why
Arabian AlEkha
ARABIAN AL-EKHA one of the nation’s largest direct importers of general merchandise
When do people choose to consume energy drinks and why:
This is a question that every energy drink company asks itself all the time, it may be a simple enough question but it is responsible for many aspects of any marketing plan, we are going to go through a survey that we found quite curious to potentially judge if it holds up in our market, it may or may not fit our market but it opened our eyes to new ideas, let's go through the desired times and situations people consume energy drinks one by one:
The study has shown that energy drinks are more consumed during "work", which is logical and well-reasoned, to focus more you have to get some energy in you, so the Cliché advertisement of most new energy drink brands all say words like getting energized and power your day or the ones that make their energy drinks to look like a battery kind of stands to be somewhat true.
Next up according to the server, some people answered with “whatever” which is also very understandable, as so many of us consume energy drinks as we do soft drinks or even juice because let’s face it they do taste pretty good and it is a taste that you can get used to, also it is a replacement for coffee in the hot days of the summer, so maybe we can interpret “whenever” as whenever they need caffeine of whenever they just feel like drinking something that tastes good.
Later on, the list ranked “going out” as the third most appropriate time people consume energy drinks, we’ve all been there haven’t we, it's been a long day at college at work and you don’t want to say I would rather stay home and do something productive and end up looking like the old guy so you bite the bullet and accept the invitation to go out with your friends why are probably as tired as you are but they don’t show it, well neither do you because statistically, you have planned on drinking an energy drink during that time to be able to stay awake and also to have fun, and works up until that inevitable energy crash of course so a word of advice is to plan well for that.
“before, during, or after sports” this one is a little harder to advise, but it is 4th on the list so let’s dig into it to see why it is a thing, there are many differences between sports drinks and energy drinks, and perhaps some people don’t differentiate between those two very well, or perhaps that misconception is valid, as it is prevalent that energy drinks are being advertised with references to sports and extreme sports, as brilliant of an idea as it is promoting an energy drink with sports because it delivers the message that it is built for athletes and associated with youth and power.
Next up is a very logical one, “studying” sometimes the only thing that you need is a little push to get through the last few chapters before a big exam, or go the extreme way and pull an all-nighter which is most likely why energy drinks are as popular as they are amongst students, many students have reported that.
Do you agree with this study? if so share with us your opinion on why and most importantly how it fits our market, we need to keep it as clear as possible that it is also important to note that different energy drink brands would be desired by different segments in the same market most likely due to their marketing approach and the way their product is perceived by people so it obviously has to vary between products.