When diet and exercise don`t work

When diet and exercise don`t work

I saw an infomercial the other day for a weight loss solution targeting the frustrated people who, “fail to see results from diet and exercise.” Had to scratch my head on that one.

When does diet and exercise fail?

This, of course, is a trick question. Diet and exercise don’t fail.

The only way for diet and exercise not to work is if you fail to stick with it long enough for the results to show.

Plain and simple. End of story.

I’ve seen more clients than I can count transform their bodies through the power of diet and exercise. Without surgery. Without gadgets. Without pills.

The real question to ask, when you’re not making progress towards your fat loss goal, is not why diet and exercise has failed you, but rather why have you not stuck with it?

How to stick with a diet and exercise plan…

I will not downplay the hard work that goes into sticking with a diet and exercise plan, day-after-day, week-after-week, in order to achieve a stunning body transformation.

It takes dedication, focus, energy, determination and a stubborn refusal to quit.

Make no mistake about it: losing fat is hard work!

Which is precisely why so many give up before experiencing the body that they really want to have.

So, you wonder, why are some people able to stick with the process long enough to transform their bodies while others jump ship after a few weeks?

Here are the four steps to sticking with diet and exercise for the long haul…

1. Mentally and emotionally lock on to the idea of the new, sexier, you.

You can’t causally date the idea of transforming your body. This isn’t a noncommittal, no-strings-attached relationship – you’ve got to go all in, both mentally and emotionally.

Attach yourself to the idea of a brand new you; focus on how you will feel, what you will wear and how life will improve once you achieve your fat loss goal. The stronger your feelings and mental image become, the more likely you are to succeed.

2. Keep the game plan as simple as possible.

There is no need for fancy diet plans or complicated exercise movements when it comes to dropping pant sizes. Keep your game plan as simple and boring as possible, even eating the same meals everyday and exercising at the same time for the same length (with varying intensity), until your big fat loss goal has been met.

Until your big fat loss leap has been made just stick with an uncomplicated game plan that works.

3. Plan for the resistance.

It’s na?ve to think that your body transformation journey will be all smooth sailing. Realistically you will run into resistance time and time again.

This resistance will come in the form of tempting cheat meals, tired muscles, lazy friends and waning motivation. But, most powerfully, the resistance will come from inside of you. It’s natural to resist change, and transforming the shape of your body is big change. Plan for the waves of resistance. See it coming before it crashes over you, and you’ll be able to stand strong long enough for it to recede without hampering your progress.

4. Build in accountability.

This is the most important step by far. It is essential to build accountability into your fail-proof fat loss plan. A friend, a coach, or a mentor who has a vested interest in seeing you succeed will save you from throwing in the towel when things get tough.

The role that I fill for my clients is the accountability to keep them on their path to health and fitness with my support, instruction and encouragement. I celebrate every inch lost and every ounce of new confidence gained.

If you’re not yet one of my amazing clients then today is the perfect day to begin!

Call or email me now to get started on your true body transformation story – and let’s show the world how diet and exercise DO work!

How to LOVE Exercise

Here’s how to turn something that you’ve dreaded into something you enjoy…

1. Block the Negative: Your thoughts play a big part in determining your favorite things. Block out any negative thoughts you may have about exercise. Focus your energy on creating a positive attitude that will get you excited about hitting the gym, rather than dreading it.

2. Focus on the Benefits: With exercise you have so much to gain and nothing to lose. Exercise makes you stronger, sexier, happier, and gives you more energy. Pick the benefit that moves you the most and fixate on it.

3. Get Guidance: The easiest way to put exercise on your list of favorite things is to experience it at its best. Get onboard with one of my fitness programs and I’ll show you the most effective and enjoyable techniques that will get you into the best shape of your life.

Beef Stuffed Squash

Who needs tortillas or burger buns when we can stuff ground beef right into squash? It’s an awesome, fitness-approved way to eat your veggies and work towards your beach body!

Courtesy of RealHealthyRecipes.com

Servings: 6

Here’s what you need

  • 3 Delicata squash (Butternut, Acorn or other similarly sized squash would also work great.)
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • ? teaspoon sea salt
  • ? teaspoon allspice
  • ? cup tomato sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut aminos
  • 1 (4oz) can mild green chiles, chopped
  • Fresh chives, chopped (optional as garnish)


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Wash the squash and slice each in half, lengthwise. Scoop out all of the seeds. Place the squash halves, cut side up, on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 20-30 minutes, until tender. The roasting time will vary depending on the size of your squash — the bigger and thicker the squash the longer the roasting time will be.
  2. Place a large skillet over medium high heat and brown the ground beef. Drain the pan.
  3. Place the pan back over medium heat and add in the garlic, onion and bell pepper. Cook, stirring often, until soft. Add in the remaining ingredients and continue to cook for 8 minutes.
  4. Fill each squash with a generous serving of the ground beef mixture. Top with fresh chopped chives if desired. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Nutritional Analysis

One serving equals: 245 calories, 13g fat, 9g carbohydrate, 299mg sodium, 3g sugar, 2g fiber, and 22g protein.

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