When Did You Last Rebuild Your QuickBooks Data File?
Did you know that sometimes there are problem with the QuickBooks data file and you cannot even see it? At other times there might be signs that indicate there is data corruption issues including:
· Deposited payments are displayed in the payments to deposit section
· Balance sheet reports do not display all accounts
· Total asset amount on balance sheet does not equal total liabilities and equity
· Transactions are missing or displayed inaccurately in the window
· Names found missing from the lists
· Upgrade problems
Now rebuilding data will not always fix every problem, but it should be one of your first steps in the process of resolving QuickBooks issues. Rebuilding the data file is pretty easy. Just open QuickBooks in single user mode. From the menu, select File | Utilities | Rebuild data and follow the prompts. If the rebuild comes back with no errors, then you are done. If you get errors, then repeat the rebuild process. I have seen it take 2 to 5 times before rebuilds fix issues completely.
TIP: Always rebuild from the server or workstation that stores the data file.
We strongly recommend that you rebuild the QuickBooks data at least every quarter. However, if you have multiple users and are in a network environment, consider rebuilding the data more often such as monthly or even weekly. The frequency just depends on the facts and circumstances. If that is not occurring then this is what you need to do: Designate a responsible individual to perform this function every quarter. Part of that process needs to include communication to another designated person for verification that the rebuild is complete. Use your preferred collaborative software to assist with this process. As a result of this recommendation, your implementation will encourage Teamwork that gets stuff done. With time, this type of structured approach should filter through your organization and internal controls will grow stronger without creating unnecessary administrative burden.
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