When did tick-boxing people become ok in our workplaces?

When did tick-boxing people become ok in our workplaces?

Time is moving so fast – technology is catapulting us into having us do, live and make so many different choices all the time. Instantaneous. But this has in fact stopped us making decisions because it’s all too much, too fast. We can’t keep working at this pace.

I think we have forgotten we are individuals doing the best we can. We are not born smarter, more efficient or able to adapt quicker year on year. There’s no operating manual to have us adapt to change better because it’s 2024; babies born today are no different to those born 50 years ago – the process is still the same. Yes there may be health benefits and the pregnancy process is now more advanced, but the output, a baby, is still the same.

MAYBE we need to flip our thinking paradigm. YES organisations will still exist in 50 years from now. YES there will still be people in those organisations – acknowledge the size may change but there will be people. YES technology will still interrupt us with mind blowing things we could never have thought of. YES individuals will still be the same – so the focus has got to be on how we cope with and transition to these changes coming.

Perhaps we have to consider stop using labels for people, stop giving medication that numbs the pain. We need to move away treating our people as a tick box exercise – Just because it’s mental health week or what ever other day we can label to have us do something nice for someone – NO NO NO. We have to change our habits to complete this every day. When did we switch to tick box and forget making real connections with people who work with us every single day.

Technology will continue to impact our world year on year as will other key factors like the environment/ climate change. In organisations, we have to stop making people wrong because they feel they can’t cope. We need to decode observations and interrupt the cycle. Look for the patterns. Identify the triggers and look for the behaviours to make real changes.

Perhaps we need to consider finding and providing real support strategies – having undistracted REAL conversations every day, starting in our immediate family units, our schools, our organisations and our communities to help people understand how to cope with change at their own pace. Use experiences that they can relate to. We are all people. We all want to make sense of our place in the world so we know where we fit.

Yip we are all human beings doing our best to navigate an ongoing complex and changing world. Finding key strategies that work for people.

If you would like to know more about my observational intelligence framework and how we can interrupt your organisation’s cycle and give you some real tools to implement message me and we can chat further.


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