When the Curveballs Keep Coming: Chapter 1 Preview

When the Curveballs Keep Coming: Chapter 1 Preview

As many of you know, I recently published my new book: When the Curveballs Keep Coming: A Leadership Playbook for an Uncertain World. I am grateful for all the support I received in writing and launching the book—and thrilled by the very positive reception it has received.

I believe that this time of uncertainty is like no time that we, as leaders, have ever experienced. So each week, I am going to feature excerpts from a chapter of the book, along with insights that I hope will be helpful for all my LinkedIn followers.

Let’s start at the very beginning…

In Chapter One, titled “How Did We Get Here?”, we wade (literally) into the key themes of the book with a flashback to some very important lessons I learned in one of my first Ironman triathlon training races.

I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but suffice to say that I quickly came to realize that in a world of unrelenting uncertainty, you can’t plan—but you can prepare.

There has always been change, but the type of change we’re experiencing now is completely different from what we have known in the past. It is structural, and it impacts virtually everything we do. Moreover, the impact is ongoing, a ripple that continues to degrade the structure we have come to depend upon. It is like an earthquake that never ends: you think it’s over, but it’s not; the aftershocks (and the curveballs!) just keep coming.

Our brains don’t like uncertainty. They want to be in a toward state where there is at least some sense of direction, of promise, if not certainty. Your role now is to provide reassurance that uncertainty affects everyone equally, and that as a leader you’re on the same unstable footing as the people on your team. You can provide general direction and guidance, but you can’t provide answers with any certainty.

The strategy I recommend in this chapter (and throughout my book) is to approach these challenges by considering your strengths and capacity, focusing on the assets you have available.

Start with your best tools: What do you know? What are your strengths? What are you known for in the organization? This approach will help you importantly build capacity in yourself and your team and achieve more through a possibilities mindset.


Hope you’ve enjoyed this little peek into Chapter 1 of my leadership book When the Curveballs Keep Coming: A Leadership Playbook for an Uncertain World. Next week we’ll “dive in” to Chapter 2: What You Know Doesn’t Count Anymore.

Of course, what you’ve read here is just a small sample of the leadership lessons and practical tips that I outline in my book. Buy your copy now at Amazon or Barnes and Noble or go to bobbielaporte.com/curveballs for more information about corporate bulk discounts.



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