When CSR Just Works!
Howard Rose BEM
An award winning Business Manager looking to satisfy CSR and work with local businesses and show them how to build lasting relationships in the community.
Craig Egan, Asmodeus Jogia and the rest of the JLR crew who came in to school recently to paint fences and tidy up and what a great job they did!
Working like this in the community really does make a difference. As a school it frees up time that our site managers would never have had as they would not be able to leave tools etc out if called to deal with other child related matters.
To pay someone to do the job is simply not in the budget. So, Jaguar Land Rover get a feel good, team building day and we get vital maintanence work done, a real Win-Win all round.
#teambuilding #winwin hashtag #jaguar #landrover #proud #JLR #commumity #CSR
@JLR_News @craigegan11