When concessions equal surrender
Conservatives: The great enablers of Left-wing extremism
?If I were to ask Western Canada what Justin Trudeau’s greatest accomplishment is, I would hear a chorus of remarks dripping with derision that might give the authors some temporary satisfaction but would ultimately hide the darker truth.?Justin Trudeau’s greatest accomplishment has been to inflict a political amnesia on those who want to forget the uncomfortable fact that Justin Trudeau’s Liberals are not historically, or globally, unique.
?For those of us who remember the era of the Reform party the memory of Jean Chretien left lasting mental scars.?When the Reform party did the unimaginable, and crushed the conceited Conservative party, it set off a toxic response from the Liberals which made many Westerners take off the rose-coloured glasses as far as the noble image of Canadian politics goes.?In the first federal election where the Reform party was a factor, the Liberals went rabid.?Jean Chretien stood by his Liberal creatures as they literally spit venom at the Reform party.?He infamously stated that the Liberals were fighting ‘the forces of darkness’ when talking about, not just the Reform party, but the West. ?Like Joe Biden, Jean Chretien publicly proclaimed that the Liberals were champions against a great evil, and that evil were his own countrymen who dared to have views different from his. ?The entire West has ignored the fact that Justin Trudeau is merely following a template created by Jean Chretien, and that this template will not be destroyed when Justin Trudeau eventually leaves the political stage.?It will merely be carefully stored away.
?So, what is the problem with the West that we can’t see the writing on the wall??Why are so many Westerners reluctant to even embrace the idea of provincial autonomy, much less Western separation??The answer can be found in the history of the Reform party and what its ultimate goals where, and the endless concessions it made to achieve those goals.
?There is nothing about the Reform party that could be regarded as a threat to democracy.?The name ‘Reform’ spoke of a desire to change the political system, not destroy it.?The phrase ‘The West wants in’ spoke of a sincere desire to address Western feelings of alienation to create a strong and united Canada.?The issue of Senate reform was championed in an effort to bring fairness to the system, not to give the West unwarranted powers. Preston Manning made every effort to confront negative perceptions of the party to sooth vocal eastern concerns of right-wing extremism, and that is where things went wrong.
?Preston Manning single mindedly pursued a noble vision of Canada while failing to recognise that central Canada had a deep-seated, and not so noble, vision of itself. ?Central Canada had its own ingrained vision of the West’s place in confederation, and this vision is governed by an unacknowledged prejudice toward the West.?Preston Manning ignored the misgivings of his grassroots because he felt that if he made enough concessions, the Ottawa establishment would appreciate his sincerity and recognise that his ultimate goals had merit. ?So, he let the eastern establishment set the agenda on everything in the misguided belief that there was an inner goodness in the political system that would eventually prevail.?
?Preston Manning embarked on a suicidal campaign of concessions that ultimately squandered any gains the Reform party made for the West. When the east said that it didn’t like the name of the party, the name was changed.?When it said it didn’t like certain members, those members were removed. The most important decision-making gatherings were moved to Toronto so the prairie grass roots could not interfere with Preston Manning’s grand vision. ?Preston Manning made so many concessions that the removal of him as leader was inevitable.?The chance to create a Western power bloc was sacrificed for a principled vision that only existed in Preston Manning’s head.?Only one side ever made concessions in this whole sorry exercise and that was the West.
?My own moment of truth with Preston Manning came from the one, and only time I met him.?Like many Reform Party members, I was concerned that the eastern Conservatives were not making any concessions to the West.?I told him that ‘they are not being full participants’ to which he replied, ‘who are they?’?At first, I was confused by this remark, but then I heard it repeated and I realized that it was the standard party answer to deal with Westerners who weren’t enamored with the idea of resurrecting the Conservative party who we had deservedly destroyed.?At that moment I realized that the party brass had betrayed the entire West.?It took me a long time to understand why they were so naive.
?As a British Columbian I have had more dealings with the excesses of the Left than other Western provinces.?This experience has giving me many insights including the knowledge that there is such a thing as ‘Left wing extremism’.?It may seem self evident that if the media and politicians warn of ‘Right wing extremism’ that the must be such a thing as ‘Left wing extremism’, but this is not the case.?I find myself in the lonely position of warning of ‘Left wing extremism’ while noticing a disturbing tendency, of even hard-core Conservatives, to not publicly acknowledge that such a thing exists.?When I mention the existence of ‘Left wing extremism’ the default response has become ‘we have to confront Right wing extremism as well as Left wing extremism’. ?Like the ‘who are they?’ response this response has a hidden meaning that speaks volumes.?The media and politicians, especially the Prime Minister, talk of only one type of political extremism and that is ‘Right wing extremism’ so it is not a level playing field. ?Yet the entire Conservative mentality is squeamish about stating an obvious truth.?‘Left wing extremism not only exists, but it is the greatest threat to Democracy we face today’. ?
?It was recently that I had another light bulb moment, and it was the American political comedian Bill Maher who provided it.?Bill Maher is a self described Liberal who has gained many Conservative fans simply because he will take some of the extremism of the Left to task.?I have enjoyed watching Bill Maher for his willingness to confront the extremism of the Left and took his shots at the Republican party in stride.?I then noticed many Conservative minded people gleefully using Bill Maher’s words to strike back at the extreme elements of the Left and he is often on Conservative talk shows where he is feted.?The alarm bells in my head started ringing when I realized that the Conservative love affair for Bill Maher comes from him stating the obvious about the Left’s darker side.?It is not that Bill Maher is a closet Conservative, he is just not as insane as the majority of Liberals have become.?Conservatives have lowered our standards of what we can expect from Liberals to the point where any Liberal who aren’t completely rabid, are elevated to star status.
??Bill Maher is selective in his attacks on the Left that never quite go to the level where he will admit that the old-style Liberals are in danger of becoming defined by the extremist elements on the Left. ?His interview with Ben Shapiro showed that he is really nothing special as far as being an enlightened Liberal goes.?When Ben Shapiro asked if Bill Maher would consider joining the Republican party, the answer was that this might happen if the Republican party accepted the idea of Climate Crisis and that the Carbon tax was the answer. Despite the growing evidence that the Climate Crisis is the biggest scam in history, and that only a complete idiot thinks the Carbon tax is anything but a tax scam, Bill Maher cannot let common sense infringe on his Liberal DNA.?The Democrat’s bragging of being the champion of Democracy conveniently ignores the fact that the spirit of Democracy is missing when it comes to giving the people a voice when it comes to the Left’s Climate change policies. The truth is that the Left have a secret love affair with Autocracy, and they only embrace Democracy when it serves their purpose.?
?Winston Churchill famously stated that ‘Democracy is the worst political system unless it is compared with all the others.’?The problem with Democracy is that it depends on a balancing act between Left and Right.?When it is working properly both ideologies can, and have, complimented each other, and have created a strong Democracy that serves the best interests of the people.?This important balancing act depends on one pre-requisite, a mutual respect for the opposition.?You can disagree with the other side, but they should never be seen as the enemies of Democracy. This pre-requisite is now missing in most Democratic systems and that is where the Conservatives have become the greatest enablers of Left-wing extremism.
?Many Conservatives have had friends and family who had Liberal viewpoints.?We could engage in mature dialogue to solidify or change our views.?Mutual respect allowed us to agree to disagree, and these conversations are vital to a healthy Democracy.?It does not take a genius to see that those days are long gone, and those friends and family have become alienated, but Conservatives yearn for them to return.?Like Preston Manning we try making concessions to bring the conversation to a civil level again, but we don’t want to acknowledge that it is only our side that are making the concessions.?Barrack Obama might publicly mourn the loss of civil discourse, but he cannot bring himself to admit that it is the Left wing cancel culture that has created this situation. Conservatives are trying to take the high road in an effort to repair the social split that has been created by the Left, but we are only ending up trying to save the Liberals from themselves.?By not confronting Left wing extremism, we have saved the Liberals from having to confront it and have inadvertently enabled the toxic elements of the Left to destroy the values of even the true Liberals.
?We live in a world where extremism of the Left has been allowed to create situations that allow children to decide their gender before they have any ideas of the consequences.?The Liberals, by not speaking out against extremism in their own ranks have become enablers.?Conservatives by not pointing out this inconvenient truth have become the ultimate enablers.?Concessions, even for a noble aim, can easily become complete surrender.?We have made too many concessions to a long dead dream of civil dialogue with the Left.?Its time to send the Liberals a message. ‘Not one more step backwards!’
Mark Nickel??
Wisdom and knowledge are uniquely different
2 年Excellent -as always, Mark ??
owner.operator at Circle Y ranch
2 年Scott Moe Good read.