When They Clamor for Peace and Security
The world's clamoring for Peace and Security on so many fronts, Wars and Injustice faced by people of nations

When They Clamor for Peace and Security

This is a preamble of sorts. Peace and Security is a good thing, don't get me wrong. The Bible also wants human beings to live in Peace and friendliness, justice and zero wars. But what happens in reality is that many nations just make a clamor for Peace and Security, which seems more like putting on a show, when their hearts are truly not for it. The heart of man (generally) has grown wicked. They would rather have wars and not share resources. My personal opinion has always been, "It is cheaper to share bread, rice, vegetables and meat, than fight wars with missiles that destroy property, wound, maim, and kill people."

SHARING saves LIVES. WAR destroys LIVES.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 New King James Version 3 says:

For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.

On September 22 and 23, 2024, a conference was held in New York. The website statement reads, "The Summit of the Future, convened at the United Nations headquarters in New York, spans two days from September 22 to September 23."

Summit of the Future Outcome Document "World leaders adopt a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations (A/RES/79/1). The Pact covers a broad range of themes including peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations, and the transformation of global governance."

Youth, Women and Men face violations of their human rights at every turn. There has been a gross misuse of global resources, unsustainable wars and destruction, and pollution of every kind at unprecedented levels.

Summit Overview PDF

Pact For the Future PDF > This 66 page document is interesting to read.

The United Nations is stretched to its limits in resources, man power and the ability to maintain peace between nations. Every nation's leader has his/her own agenda. No leader wants to listen to a global consensus.

Russia is at war with Ukraine, and has been for the last two years since 2022.

Palestine has been at war with Israel for thousands of years, more so after 1948, since Israel became a nation. Israel is a nation with limited resources, the size of the state of New Jersey. It was a larger area according to the boundaries stated in the Bible. The two state solution has been dictated many times. However, the Muslim nations do not want to donate land to the nation of Palestine, so that this problem can be put to rest, once and for all. Iran and Iraq are both huge land masses and a portion of their land can be used to house Palestine. This has never been suggested, let alone tried, if they really want Peace and Security. They can find ways to leave Israel alone and / or form accords of brotherhood to form everlasting peace.

The Middle East is in turmoil as Iran wants Israel obliterated, they have publicly stated this many times, calling Israel "the Little Shaitan" (Satan) and the U.S as the "Big Shaitan" They have said they would love to wipe Israel off the map. However, there has been talk that the people of Iran are not complicit with the leadership of Iran and would like friendly relations with everyone in the Middle East. Also, there have been several videos being posted of a Christian revival going on silently inside of Iran and Iraq, where people have seen Jesus Christ in their dreams. Many have become Christians and there are underground churches being held in both these nations, and revival happening also in prisons.

But I digress.

When the nations joined in a collective, called the United Nations and clamor for Peace and Safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them. What disaster this will be is unknown, and whether it is a singular or plural (many disasters) has not been mentioned in the Bible. It could be a collection of natural and man made disasters of incredible, Biblical proportions.

One such disaster is mentioned in the book of Revelation 16:21 "And great hail from heaven fell upon men, each hailstone about the weight of a talent. Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, since that plague was exceedingly great." These hail stones can and will kill people on impact. It could crush cars and homes.

Since this prophesy of hailstones was written two thousand years ago, the weight of a talent is "The heavy common talent, used in New Testament times, was 58.9 kg (129 lbs and 14 oz). A Roman talent (divided into 100 librae or pounds) was 11?3 Attic talents, approximately 32.3 kg (71 lbs and 3 oz). An Egyptian talent was 80 librae, approximately 27 kg (60 lbs)."

There are other disasters, plagues that will come upon mankind which is written in Revelation.

This is the UNMIT carrying a banner seemingly poking guilt at the reader "What are you doing for Peace?"

This global meeting held in New York for "Peace and Security" was prophesied in the Bible 2,000 years ago by Paul writing to the church of Thessalonica. IF you still think the Bible just got this by chance or luck or some bizarre way, think again. The world events are following the schedule of prophesies in the Bible.

If you haven't read my other articles (6 articles) on the End Times, please do so. Do share this and other articles with others as the time is very near for major events to start colliding and bring about the culmination of prophesies that are mentioned in the Bible.

IF you believe in the Bible and its prophesies get ready to leave in the Rapture by believing that Jesus is the Truth, the Life and the Way. That he died for your sins and mine. That belief will open the door, that is Jesus, for no man shall see the Father, but through Jesus alone. Accept your weakness as a human and come to terms with your divine creator. This will help you escape from all the trouble that is coming to visit mankind, this entire planet that is called Earth. The Bible speaks of horrendous days ahead.

Matthew 24:22 New King James Version 22 says, "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the [a]elect’s sake those days will be shortened."

Loosely paraphrased, all of mankind will be totally destroyed if the days of Tribulation were not shortened. There will be total anarchy on planet Earth as the antichrist will seek to subdue all of mankind, and destroy those who do not comply or conform to a one world government.

What is your call after reading this article? What do you feel inclined to do?

  • Are you going to believe in Jesus Christ and his saving grace?
  • Are you going to believe in the World System and its government?
  • Are you going to share this article?
  • Are you going to read the Bible and discover these truths for yourself?
  • Are you going to pray and ask God that He count you worthy to go with Him in the rapture?

Everything is your choice. You can choose what you want to do, to secure your salvation. Or you can choose to not believe, be an atheist, and suffer through the Tribulation. All of the world is going to go through it. Sudden disaster will come upon all mankind. Let this article serve as a warning to all who read this. Amen!




Various nations have provided their personal Statements of Security which are available as PDF documents: https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future/statements


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