When Circumcision Stops in America
You and I will now assume that Circumcision has stopped in America. What will that mean?
It will mean that every American male will be able to have normal intercourse. When he erects, he will have skin to cover his elongated organ. He will not need to use lubricants, because the tip of his penis is soft and pliable, not hard and rough. Further, his partner’s mucous membrane lining is no longer irritated. As he thrusts, the inner lining of the foreskin, with its ridged bands, covered with tens of thousands of sensitive nerve endings like those in the finger tips and the lips, rub over the corona, and provides a pleasure that is not available to a circumcised male.
The American male will no longer resent his mother for not having protected him from the excruciating pain of circumcision, from which he had no way of protecting himself. He will no longer wonder why his father let a doctor commit an atrocity on his newborn son. He will be intact.
Since he can now have a normal sex life, he will no longer have all the problems that?occur when the foreskin has been removed. So his marriage will be stronger, and less likely to break up due to sexual incompatibility. So his children will not have to suffer the trauma of a broken home.
Parents will no longer have to agonize over the decision to circumcise, if they ever really had the opportunity. They will no longer have to live with the recognition that they permitted a doctor to harm their son.
Their son will no longer have to suppress the rage that so many cut men have: that someone actually did this to them, without their permission.
After all, just who has the right to spend their life going around cutting off other people’s genital organs? the answer is, without the consent of the individual involved - No one. A doctor clearly does not have that right; it is currently illegal to perform a circumcision in America.?There has been a law on the books, passed by Congress in 1997 that outlaws Female Genital Mutilation. The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution protects “persons,” regardless of gender. Therefore the FGM law also protects little boys. This is one way that circumcision could be stopped.
As for the mohel (pronounced like royal, but in no way comparable), he is an individual who chose a profession, just as a doctor chose his profession. Does that give him the right to harm others? Absolutely not! Can he justify it on religious grounds? Absolutely not! The integrity of the body of the individual supersedes any religious ritual, no matter how old. Of course the older it is, the more barbaric it is likely to be.
Ironically, St Paul is probably responsible for the greatest proselytizing act in history, when he said that pagans did not have to become Jews, and then get circumcised n order to become Christians. When he said, Circumcision is nothing, he may have saved early Christianity from extinction! So if Jews are worried about extinction if circumcision is stopped, maybe they are misleading themselves. Maybe more people will want to become Jewish, and live happily among the tiny group of people who have produced 33% of all Nobel Prize winners.?
Most, if not all, Reform Rabbis are willing to perform a Bris, the ceremony of circumcision, without the cutting!! Many Jews do not know this. They simply have to ask.
One should never remain a silent spectator in the face of injustice or sheer stupidity. There will be enough time for silence in the grave. (PTI)
1 年https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/uncircumcised-problems