When The Cheetos Eating Losers From Their Mother’s Basements Decided It Is Their Time To Shine
“Civil unrest occurs when the feelings of overwhelming powerlessness hit critical mass.”
Tuesday, you look beautiful, your sunrise was exotic, your air fresh, the birds are singing a Zeppelin song. Thank you for being you. I miss you the other six days of the week. Don’t tell anyone; you might be my favorite day.
I want to share the words from a dear friend, one that helps me see the light. When I error, he is there to show me the way. So do me a favor and read “Dave’s” words and them let me put his words into the context of today’s society. I should share I get fan mail, almost daily, most are thankful, others scream, “are you out of your freaking mind?” This is part of the latter.
Per Dave:
It’s against the law to destroy property. Tearing down statues is punishable. If these people feel strongly enough to go to jail on principle, then so be it. Civil disobedience has shown itself to be a very effective tool for change in the past. Just ask the original tea party perpetrators. Burning the flag is exactly a freedom that has been paid for in American military lives. You can’t really name a more peaceful, symbolic protest aside from perhaps taking a knee before a football game during the national anthem. It amuses me when people say, “Why can’t they just protest peacefully?” after having said, “Colin Kaeparnick should lose his job and be removed from the United States.”
I don’t buy into the conservative media fear-mongering that would have us believe that “extremists are taking over our country.” You of all people should consider your own previous statements that people are mostly good and that the media wants us to believe there are just bad people everywhere and that extreme conflict defines our society. Most people have general agreement on these issues and the media (including YOUR media) is reporting mostly on the extremes because that’s more entertaining and ultimately makes them more money. The VAST majority of the ongoing protests are completely without any civil disobedience at all.
I got a call from my friend “Willie”, he was heading back to Confifer from his home in Virginia. He decided to drive, he left last week, and as he was stuck in traffic, he witnessed a young man with a two by four walking along with the traffic on the interstate and smashing cars of innocent bystanders. There were two others involved, one holding a Black Lives Matter sign and the other there to record.
As Willie watched, they went up to an R.V.; they began banging on the R.V., it was too nice, it needed to be destroyed. The older man driving the R.V. was confused; he got out to protect his property and was hit repeatedly with the two by four. Willie sat in his truck, knowing that if he intervened, bad things would happen. He recorded the incident and called 911. He was told they were overwhelmed; no one would be coming to help.
To requote my friend Dave:
Civil disobedience has shown itself to be a very effective tool for change in the past.
Most people are good, but there are bad people everywhere, some on an interstate in Virginia.
Most people have general agreement on these issues and the media (including YOUR media) is reporting mostly on the extremes because that’s more entertaining and ultimately makes them more money.
I guess sharing this story makes me part of the media, this is not a one-off, shootings are up across the country, there is a level of civil unrest that I’ve not witnessed in my lifetime. So, Dave, I think we are in a different time, I think people are kind, pleasant, and beautiful, but as Willie shared his first-person account, I think you are missing some very troubling signs occurring in society.
I think there are individuals and groups taking advantage of the “F the police” process we now find ourselves in, they know the police will not respond, they know 911 is overwhelmed, so why not take it to the man. This period of lawlessness is an embarrassment, and I wonder what their end game is?
I wonder what Dave would have done had he been on that interstate with Willie. Would he have acted to stop the violence, or would he have joined the perpetrators damaging other’s property seeking the changes we need in our horrific society?
Are you happy? Are you content with what’s going on in our country? Are you a little embarrassed about the tantrum being thrown by those looking for a change with a piece of cardboard, rocks, and guns? This past weekend in Chicago, 114 people were shot, and fourteen died. That’s two days of horror in one of our largest cities. Last week in New York from Monday to Sunday, there were 51 shootings.
The vandalism of our monuments and capital buildings is a slap across the face to those of us law-abiding tax-paying citizens. I don’t think my fellow tax prayers are destroying our property; I think it those that don’t’ pay taxes that are attacking our justice and peace. If you have no investment, you have no appreciation. What we are seeing is a rage of jealousy against those that work, create, and improve our world. The Cheetos eating losers from their mother’s basements decided it is their time to shine.
I do envision a time where Dave’s home will be attacked. He’s a white guy, wealthy, they will come for him, and I think when they break into his house, attack his family, and remove his possessions, he might change his mind. I would encourage you to purchase a gun, maybe two, an arsenal, they are coming for you and you better be ready.
I gave Willie a little trouble for sharing that story. He said he thought I should know what’s actually going on. Is this an isolated event? Is this just Willie watching something that has not, will not, cannot occur again in society, or is this a sign fo things to come?
I am going to have a gun in my car, I will have the proper permits, and when pulled over by the boys in blue, I will disclose that I have a firearm. I will also use that firearm to protect myself, my family, and those put in harm’s way by the jealous little Cheeto eating bastards that feel they now have a voice and cover to destroy what has taken us 250 years to build. Please don’t bring a two by four to a gunfight, I’m not alone, careful of the angry guys that won’t tolerate your tantrums. Oh, and by the way, My Queen is a good shot as well. Please don’t tread on us; we will fight back.
“Civil unrest occurs when the feelings of overwhelming powerlessness hit critical mass.”