When No Check is in the Mail
Tom Morris
Philosopher. Yale PhD. UNC Morehead-Cain. I bring wisdom to business and to the culture in talks, advising, and books. Bestselling author. Novelist. 30+ books. TomVMorris.com. TheOasisWithin.com.
've always urged people to have, as their priority for work, the principle:
Impact first, then Income.
We're in the world to make a positive difference. Yes, we also need to eat, but income should never be our sole concern or our top priority, even in desperate straits. For example, to keep the wolf from the door and find all the crumbs needed by little mouths in the house need not in itself ever cause us to lose our sense of right and wrong. Even then, in the most difficult and impecunious of times, we should seek to use our talents and energies to make a difference that will bring what we need.
It's not that we don't ever ever have to focus hard on making money—most of us face challenges throughout our lives about how that is to be accomplished; the world comes with no guarantees that our best deeds will automatically produce as a return dollars in our pockets. Karma doesn't often work that way, as we can easily see by looking around the world right now. Some people with a damaging impact make outrageous money from it. Others who do great good remain poor. But even in the most intense pursuit of financial return, we should never forget the issue of the positive impact or difference we're here to make. Our highest and best won't always be what pays the bills. But it's never to be forgotten in the pursuit of material things, however necessary they might be. Even when the check never seems to be in the mail, be your best and do your good.
And then go grab my old book True Success for keeping your priorities straight. And sure, buy a used copy. I want to have my positive impact in your life, whether there is any income from it or not!
For the book, click HERE.