When can internet porn sites charge when no credit card information has been entered?
When can internet porn sites charge when no credit card information has been entered?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions. creditandfinancesolution.info
Should I make a lower offer since I am willing to pay cash?
I am planning to buy a house in the next couple months. I am thinking about just paying cash for it, but was wondering I should make a lower offer because of that. I figure then the seller (a bank) would not have to worry about whether or not my financing will go through. Plus I am planning on putting at least 40% down reguardless. What are the negatives of this plan? All that I have thought of is that I will lose out in the tax deduction of any mortgage interest and I will not be eligible for as big of a tax credit next year. The house is listed at $74, 500. Last sold in 2007 for twice that, but has been on the market unsold since last March and it in minor need or repairs (several broken windows)."
Can loan sharks issue a subpoena if i don't pay them back?
Can loan sharks issue a subpoena if i don't pay them back?
What payday loans is good to use?
What payday loans is good to use?
Why not give people with bad credit another chance....?
Ok call me crazy but there are a lot of homes just sitting on the market. Why not take the people who have bad credit, take their bad debt and roll it into the cost of a home and give them a one time credit? And give them another chance? That means the people that were not going to get paid in the first place, will get paid. Then it takes the houses that are sitting there, off the market?"
"I have 11,000 in credit card debt. I pay on-time, but I would like to consolidate all my bills into one.?"
Calvin, That is not what I am trying to do. No lender would be responsible for my several credit cards because I would be paying ALL of my cards off with ONE LOAN. The lender would be, so to speak, responsible for ME and my actions with the loan I get through THEM. I am not in default with any of my present debts. I guess do not understand exactly what you mean, but hopefully this clarifies what I mean."
Personal Finance help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
- When a lender takes back something to sell that you're paying for to make up for missed payments, the process is called _____ .(Points : 2) deferment bankruptcy repossession 4. When balancing your checkbook, you should take the balance calculated by the bank and then _____.(Points : 2) add your deposits since the statement, add your outstanding checks, and subtract your withdrawals since the statement add your deposits since the statement, subtract your outstanding checks, and subtract your withdrawals since the statement subtract your deposits since the statement, subtract your outstanding checks, and add your withdrawals since the statement 5. With regard to savings, liquidity is a measure of _____ .(Points : 2) how quickly and easily you can get cash from your account how often interest compounds the size of the account's principal an account's return on your investment 7. You can find your total capital by _____ .(Points : 2) totaling up all your assets totaling your assets and subtracting your debts determining how much you would have if you sold everything you own 8. You can write a check mark next to your transaction note in your check register when that particular check _____ .(Points : 2) is written clears the bank bounces 10. A debit card and a check do the exact same thing in terms of your balance in your checking account.(Points : 2) True False 11. If you invested $2,500 in a very successful mutual fund (12% return a year), how long would it take for you to have a balance of $5,000 in that account?(Points : 2) 2 years 4 years 6 years 8 years 9 years 12 years 14. You should ______ write a date in the future on a check and you should ______write any part of your check in pen.(Points : 2) always, always always, never never, always never; never 16. Your ability to repay your loan with your current income is your _____ .(Points : 2) capacity character capital collateral 18. The total dollar amount of all final, new goods and services produced in a country is called the country's _____ .(Points : 2) GDP CPI GNP FDIC 23. The type of life insurance that is only valid while you continue to pay for it is called _____ .(Points : 2) whole life insurance term life insurance stop-loss insurance 24. The type of auto insurance that pays you if a tree falls on your car is called _____ coverage.(Points : 2) collision liability comprehensive 29. The type of interest calculation in which interest is calculated on both the principal and any interest gathered on that principal is called _____ .(Points : 2) simple interest compound interest 30. Negative information stays in your credit report _____ .(Points : 2) for three years for five years for seven years forever 31. When you write a check for more than you have in your account, it's called a/an _____ .(Points : 2) overdraft registered check endorsed check postdated check 32. If you deposit checks for $15, $25, and $50 and want cash back in the amount of $15, what amount can be found on the Total Deposit: line on your deposit slip?(Points : 2) $75 $80 $90 $105 33. The amount you have to pay either per incident or per year before your insurance will start to cover anything is called your _____ .(Points : 2) deductible premium coinsurance copayment 35. When the prime interest rate falls, the news is _____ .(Points : 2) good for borrowers and bad for savers bad for borrowers and good for savers good for the government and bad for the general public 36. The type of investment in the following list that insures that you will not lose your money is _____ .(Points : 2) a stock a mutual fund a certificate of deposit 40. When you have your bank or another organization automatically take money out of your paycheck amount to put into savings or apply toward a bill, you are utilizing _____ .(Points : 2) direct deposit payroll deduction direct deduction"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
When applying for a home loan modification, are lenders looking for a deficit or a positive in your financial worksheet, in order to approve a modification???"
Chapter 7 in Massachusetts?
I need to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but I need to know if I can keep my home. We put a homestead declaration on it. It has a mortgage and home equity loan against it. Can we reafirm the loans and keep our home. Please only answer if you really know the answer. Thanks"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Where I can finid finacial car in minneapolis?
Where I can finid finacial car in minneapolis?
Can we get a joint mortgage if one person is not working?
We have been together for 7 years and are now engaged Our plan is to get married next year. He has a full time job but I have been studying full time and only working once a week. I am now looking for full time work. - Can we still get a joint mortgage? - Will it make it harder if we apply for the loan together as I have no reliable income at the moment? - Should we just get the loan in his name?
Where is the best place to check my credit report for free?
Where is the best place to check my credit report for free?
"If I am partners in a small business with someone, and I file for personal bankruptcy....How will this effect?
my business and business partner? Is it a totally separate issue from my business? And is there a need to tell my business partner that I'm filing for personal bankruptcy?
Assume the CPI increases from 100 to 110. Explain the impact of this inflation..................?
Assume the CPI increases from 100 to 110. Explain the impact of this inflation (helped, hurt, not impacted) on each of the following: a.A surveyor who took out a 5% fixed-rate loan last year to buy new equipment. b.A bank that awarded a 6% fixed-rate loan to a couple buying their first home. c.A company signs a contract to clean classrooms at a fixed rate for the next 5 years. The company does not have a labor contract with its employees. d. A union worker who received a 10% cost of living adjustment. e.A student who currently earns 2% interest on her savings account."
Can I get a 40K car loan with bad credit?
A year and a half ago I go a new job ($1,800 a month) and I needed a new car. My aunt was nice enough to use her amazing credit score to get a car for me and my sister as well because we didn't have credit. Now we would like to switch the cars over to my name. We both still don't have good credit. Is it possible for us to get a joint loan for 40K? Our credit scores are both in the 500's. Any feedback is helpful. Thank you all!"
Where can I get all 3 credit reports online without having to sign up for a membership?
I am planning on filing for bankruptcy and need credit reports for me an my wife. I don't want to join a credit watch program. I jst want to be able to pay and print off all the reports and be done with it.
Which is good site to get cash fast?
like from the online same day cash or payday loan
What is the normal Heart beat rate ?
What is the normal Heart beat rate ?
Does a Best Buy Credit card build credit?
Hello I was thinking about opening up a best buy credit card and buying a few things so I don't have to fork over the cash all at once. I am very responsible with my money and don't plan on missing a payment. Anyways I was wondering if having a best buy credit card can help build and improve my credit.
Iam having a hard time getting a free credit report can you help?
everytime i go to a site to get a free credit report, they want credit card or debit card info. i do not own any cards. Is there a site that will give me my credit report for free? by me not having these cards i cant get anything its supossed to be free! please help thank you!"
What happens when banks deny auto loan after off the lot?
I bought a used car a week ago, they told me there was a problem with my income and are having problems finding a bank, been denied by one bank, 2 are still pending, they told me its normal but I told them about my income hows its confusing but now they are not accepting it and saying that it doesnt seem to be real, see I get paid 51 cents a mile and drive alot, that turns into big bucks for me. Well I can show that money but they says its not acceptable(I told this to the salesman before anything). Well my main question is I still havnt put my 2500 down for the car yet and I dont know if I should put it down until the car is approved by a bank because I dont trust them to give me my money back. Live in CA if it makes a difference"
Do husband and wife have to be on Mortgage in florida?
After we were married, my wife and I bought a house in MI with only her on the mortgage. (I think I signed a deed of some sort). Now we are moving to Florida, and I am going to put the mortgage in my name. My question is, does my wife have to be on the actual mortgage with the lender, or just sign the deed? I don't want to put her on the mortgage since we still have yet to sell the MI house, plus she isnt working and it would wreck our DTI. I am approved for the mortgage off my income. Do I technically own a home even though Im not on the mortgage in MI? Would this actually be a second home? Do I have to disclose the MI house to the lender since they will not see it on my credit report. Someone told me I had to put her on the title AND mortgage, unless I call the house a 2nd home."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can i take home loan from two institutions in india?
i want to have a home loan from my employer in india.this gives me 80 % of money required.I want to get rest 20 % from a bank etc. as home loan.But i will have to mortgage my property with my employer.In that case what are my chances of getting another home loan from some bank etc.Does any bank provides home loans without mortgaging the property?
When can internet porn sites charge when no credit card information has been entered?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions. creditandfinancesolution.info
Do husband and wife have to be on Mortgage in florida?
After we were married, my wife and I bought a house in MI with only her on the mortgage. (I think I signed a deed of some sort). Now we are moving to Florida, and I am going to put the mortgage in my name. My question is, does my wife have to be on the actual mortgage with the lender, or just sign the deed? I don't want to put her on the mortgage since we still have yet to sell the MI house, plus she isnt working and it would wreck our DTI. I am approved for the mortgage off my income. Do I technically own a home even though Im not on the mortgage in MI? Would this actually be a second home? Do I have to disclose the MI house to the lender since they will not see it on my credit report. Someone told me I had to put her on the title AND mortgage, unless I call the house a 2nd home."
I'm 15 and I need money now. What do I do?
I'm getting plastic surgery on my face (mole removal) and it costs $500. My parents are making me pay every penny of it. I have about $200 and I want to get the mole removed like NOW because I want it to have maximum healing time over the summer. Only problem is I don't have the money. I have done soo much yardwork but there's only so many hours in the day.. and I need this money really quickly. I don't have anything to sell on ebay/craigslist and ugh what do I do. I can't postpone this surgery much longer.
How can i get free credit report every month?
hey,can you please tell me a way to get free credit report every month"
"If I get a 100% loan on at 185k house, what will my closing cost be on avg?"
The house is appraising for and selling for approx 185,000 roughly. 30 yr fixed rate mortgage loan at approx 6% apr. The seller will probably agree to paying the closing cost so what or how much do I need out of pocket? the appraisal and home inspection? anything else, roughly how much? Thanks and I am so grateful for your advice."
Bankrutpcy and student loans?
I guess reporting the spammers today didn't get me any brownie points.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Husband co-signed on auto loan for his mom after I said no?
So my husband said his mom wanted to get a 0 mile car from dealership but they would not give her the loan by herself unless she had someone co-sign. She asked my husband. He told me and I said noooooo. He co signed anyways AND gave her money for the downpayment without telling me until after he did it. Anyways we also have a new car (we got a few months before my mother in law suddenly decided she wanted one too ) and he is responsible for loan (in his name). So now he has two car loans. He said his mom said she would refinance later on to take him out of the loan. How does this work? wouldn t she need to fix her credit and doesnt that take more than a year.? He said she said it would only take a year. We want to get our own place and i recently lost my job about 3 weeks ago so i cannot take condo loan in my name for the moment and we need to move asap. Will he be able to take out a mortgage loan since he has the other loans. ?? how does he take his name off the mothers car loan??
Where can i get a $3000 dollar loan to buy a car?
I have a good job, and horrible credit from my younger years. I am much more responsible today. My car just died (Transmission) and I have found a decent used car for $3000, but I need to act fast. How can I get $3000 quickly?"
How do payday loan companies varify your identity?
How do payday loan companies verify your identity as they don't do credit checks? they ask for your national identity number but what info can they get from that?
E-loan an oline lending service recently offered 36-month auto loans at 4.2% compounded monthly to applicants?
E-loan an oline lending service recently offered 36-month auto loans at 4.2% compounded monthly to applicants with good credit ratings. If I have a good credit rating and can afford monthly paymenys of 572 how much can I borrow from elone. what is the total interest I willpay for this loan.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Has anyone used creditloan.com? Is it legit or just a scam?
I would like to take out a loan but have no credit...and no job...if this site won't work is there anyway or anywhere I could take out a loan?
Company files Bankruptcy?
A company that I had worked for still owes their employees money from days that we worked and did not get paid for. They filed chpt 7 last year. Now we are receiving papers that they are asking for a relief of stay. None of us have attorney's for this case. I was wondering what I am able to do to not only help myself but the other employees as well. They say that we are able to write a letter w/o an atty. But is there a legal form that is free online or maybe a copy of a letter that has been sent to a court house for the same situation to stop this. We live in Ohio and this letter needs to be in the court house by the 1st and we just got the papers last night. So if anyone knows anything please let me know I would greatly appreciate it.
What are some good internet lending institutions?
I'm looking for a personal loan not a payday loan.
"Related rates problems, help?"
- A cylindrical tank standing upright (with one circular base on the ground) has radius 20 cm. How fast does the water level in the tank drop when the water is being drained at 25 cm3/sec? 2. 3. A ladder 13 meters long rests on horizontal ground and leans against a vertical wall. The foot of the ladder is pulled away from the wall at the rate of 0.6 m/sec. How fast is the top sliding down the wall when the foot of the ladder is 5 m from the wall? 5. 14. A woman 5 ft tall walks at the rate of 3.5 ft/sec away from a streetlight that is 12 ft above the ground. At what rate is the tip of her shadow moving? At what rate is her shadow lengthening? Our teacher gave us answer keys, but I wan to know HOW to slove these. SO detailed answers are really appreciative. Thanks SO much."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Where in ontario canada can u get a bad credit personal loan and its not a payday loan.?
Where in ontario canada can u get a bad credit personal loan and its not a payday loan.?
Will second bankruptcy show on Credit Bureau?
First Bankruptcy in 1974-I was 18 yrs. old. Second bankruptcy in 1997-discharged. This bankruptcy is on the bureau but shows an incorrect discharge date of 2005. If I try to correct this will they bring up my first bankruptcy?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can you get a good auto loan rate after short sale?
My husband and I had impeccable credit (above 800) prior to us closing a short sale last year (about 7 months ago). We unexpectedly got pregnant with our third child which means we need to invest in van to accommodate our three car seats. Our credit score has recovered nicely (about 726 and 708) over the past 7 months. Chase bank declined our application for an auto loan so now we are looking at online alternatives. The vehicle we are interested in buying is about $24k (with taxes) and we have $5k to put down on the vehicle. Is it possible to be approved with a low-ish interest rate with that one flaw in our credit history? Anyone have experience with this and can give us an idea of what to expect? Thank you for your time!
Where is the best place to get financed for an auto loan if you have bad credit?
I'm 24, I have a credit score of 620 (a few things went to collection) and I have never had a car loan. I paid off all of my debt with collection a couple months ago but I doubt it has reflected in my score and my car is d-e-a-d. I tried at a dealership and they said they couldn't do it. I make about 60,000 a year and have very little bills, how can I make this work?"
How can i get my credit report for free without having to pay with credit card..or any money?
I checked out that site www.freecreditreport.com, but when someone wants to view their credit report..they have to sign up and pay with a credit card and that gets charged during the 30 day trial!"
Where can I get my credit score for free. WITHOUT signing up for trial and giving credit card info?
Im trying to view my credit score and improve it, i dont want to sign up for free trials or give my credit card info out. theres gotta be a place out there that can provide that info right? thanks to all of your help and input"
Does anyone know what company will approve me for a bad credit loan?
Hi Im 23 and i have a bad credit score but i really need a $8000 loan . Does anyone know of a company that will approve me?
When can internet porn sites charge when no credit card information has been entered?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions. creditandfinancesolution.info