When Building Your Career is God's "Plan A" for Expanding His Kingdom on Earth
Ambition in the business world, the marketplace, the professional world, is often treated as somehow incompatible with being a Christian. Yet if the motive is coming from the right place, that ambition is not only good, but commendable! God who is the Creator and Lord of all things doesn't want to be left out of career or business building as though building these things is somehow a lesser work in the Kingdom of God. It is actually one of the key ways the Gospel is spread throughout the earth.
In the two videos I released last week, I consider what God calls holy ambition and how to build a business God's way based upon 1 Thessalonians 4:11 and Psalm 127:1 respectively. Check these videos out (linked below) for some encouragement to start your week.
Next month on May 4th we'll be hosting a business and professional men's prayer meeting at 7am over Zoom. If you'd like to be a part of it, please message me so I can get you on the email list for it. Also on May 25th we'll be hosting our next Confluence luncheon with a guest speaker that is sure to bring value and encouragement in the midst of a great opportunity to connect with likeminded business and professional men from across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. You can register for that here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-confluence-2023-series-may-registration-469544980677?aff=erelexpmlt
God bless you, and have a great week!