When Is The Best Time Ever To Be Alive?
When Is The Best Time Ever To Be Alive?

When Is The Best Time Ever To Be Alive?

When Is The Best Time Ever To Be Alive?

A few years ago I was having a conversation with a young man who was fascinated with PAST LIVES, specifically, his own...

He would seek out other professionals who could tell him about his past life experiences, who he was, what he did, what country he lived...

He would even travel to other countries to learn more about his past life experiences...

On the other side of the coin I have met with people who are fascinated with life after death, where do we go, will I come back to earth, what really happens to my spirit once it detaches itself from my physical body...

I think they are really interesting topics to think about and ponder on from time to time during our life...

The thing is, sometimes we can get caught up in the past or future to a point where we STOP living the only life we have, which is NOW...

Now is the best time ever to be alive because it is all we have...

When we focus on the now moments, that's where we have power, control, resources, abundance to build an awesome life now...

For my life to get better I need to grow, mentally, emotionally and spiritually because in proportion to that level of personal growth the universe will respond with an equal and opposite response...

When I get better my world gets better...

What can we do today to learn, grow and develop so we can position ourselves to enjoy more of the abundance in life, which we are always surrounded with, NOW...

NOW is the best time ever to be alive...

Today, I will study, learn, reflect and raise my level of consciousness of how to show up in the world better than I did yesterday...

What will you do?... 

VIDEO: When Is The Best Time Ever To Be Alive?

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