When assumed relation with mortal world based on affection ceases automatically Man experiences liberation.
Abandoning External materials outside, vision focused in-between the two eyebrows, making flowing of pran and aapan in nose even, whose nerves system, mind and intelligence are immune from desire, fear and angry etc, such ever submerged in thinking of God is always liberated. (Gita: 5/27&28)
Except Divine-God all materials are considered external. The meaning of abandoning external materials is not to think of external subjects. Karmayogi abandon worldly materials by unattached services and Devotee engaged in Knowledge-yog abandon it by intelligence. Here, God is suggesting abandoning external worldly materials through meditation-yog. The Pranayama and meditation help tremendously to unattached the nerves system and senses, which help in diminishing the affection with worldly materials and focusing the mind upon God. Actually external materials are not hindrance in realisation of God or liberation. The bonding with external materials due to affection trapped the Men in vicious circle of desires- angry etc. God is suggesting here to abandon this bonding of relationship with materials which is solely based on untruth assumption that materials give sustainable happiness, whereas it is source of misery and pain.
God is suggesting keeping focus in between the two eye-brows or at the origin of nose. Open eye is conscious state of mind affected by affection-hate-desire-angry, closed eye is unconscious state of mind, when a man is sleeping. It is suggested to keep half eyes open while in meditating or other times also, this denotes super-conscious state of mind. This posture helps in focusing in-between the two eye-brows. The eyes easily turn up looking in-between the two eye-brows. Initially body may resist due to bonding with outer world, person may experience high velocity of breathing, which will calm down over a period of meditation.
Pran is breath-out and Aapan is breath-in. The velocity of Pran is more, than Aapan. With constant practice the Pran and Aapan become, even, calm and micro. First you take breath-in from left nose and hold the breath for few minutes then slowly in same time duration breath-out by right nose. Thereafter, breath-in by right nose and hold it, then breath-out in same way by left nose. Give equal time in breath-in, holding the breath and breath-out. Repeat this exercise for few times. When the feeling of the touch of the breathing-air with the inner wall of nose disappear then you consider that Pran-Aapan have become even. This exercise is very helpful in un-attaching the nerves system from the mind. This ultimately helps the devotee to focus in realisation of God or liberation. In this state of mind Devotee is more influence by intelligence-knowledge rather than nerves-sensory-knowledge. There is influence of incident in nerves-sensory-knowledge and reason in intelligence-knowledge. When influence of intelligence-knowledge increases upon mind, then to abandon pleasure-consumption is easy (5/22). The conflict between the nerves-sensory-knowledge and intelligence-knowledge is obstacle in meditation.
We have received human-body for realisation of God. Thus, realisation of God is already fixed. When Devote recognise this fact and develop strong determination for realisation of God as a result of this all the desire and affection with worldly materials ceases and realisation of God is facilitated. Such Devotees are called submerged in thinking of God.
When creature creating obstacle in realisation of desire is stronger we get fear, on the other hand, if he is weak we get angry. Similarly desire to live long create fear and the desires of to make other work in realisation of own desire and exercising power over others, produces angry. Hence, desire is reason behind both angry and fear. If objective of desire fulfilment doesn’t exist and only aim is realisation of God, then angry-fear inclusive desire is slain. When there is lack of worldly desire then Man gets liberation.
One who is unattached from bonding of relation with worldly materials get liberation and he is unaffected from any incident, situation, criticism-praise, favourable-adversity, and life-death cycle etc. Actually Devotee in soul-form is already liberated, but due to attachment with body and nature he does not feel this fact. When assumed relation with mortal world based on affection ceases automatically Man experiences liberation.
There is only 70 seats in Delhi Assembly. A large number of brahmin and vaniya MLAs are in AAP ( about 30%). What is their percentage in total population?
Sanjeev Jha-AAP,Dilip Pandey-AAP, Pawan Sharma-AAP, Rituraj Jha-AAP,Akhilesh Tripathi-AAP,Vijay Mishra-AAP, Bhawna Goar-AAP, Sorabh Bhardawaj-AAP, OP Sharma-BJP, Anil Bajpai-BJP, Jitendra Mahajan-BJP, etc.
(vaniya )
Mahinder Goyel-AAP, Rakhi Birla-AAP, Bijendra Gupta-BJP, Satendra Jain-AAP, Rajesh Gupta-AAP, Prahlad Sahani-AAP, Shicharan Goyel-AAP, Arvind Kejriwal-AAP, Prakash Jarwal-AAP, Ramnewash Goyel-AAP, etc.
By increasing share, influence, power and dominance of brahmin and vaniya, Arvind Kejriwal has reduces the participation of many others in democracy, killing the idea of establishing an egalitarian society.
May God hear and protect the voice of people.
May God promote socialism to change the course of destination of poor, youths, labourers and farmers etc. of world.
May God bless Dalits, Tribal and Backward’s communities with wisdom and spirit in establishing their own Sovereignty and well-beings.
The various incidents occurring in the world can be appraised with Brahma-Knowledge, Brahma Sovereignty, and Karma, Akarma and Bikarma.