When asking for referrals - Be Specific
So you've wrapped up a transaction, you look your satisfied client in the eye and ask them, "Is there anyone else I can help with my products or services?" Their eyes search their mental contact list- "I can't think of anyone right now, but I'll definitely keep you in mind!"
And more than likely, you will never receive any type of referral from them ever again.
I will recommend a different tact. First, list a few characteristics of your target prospects, and then turn those into questions as you seek to mine a happy customer for future clients you can serve.
It looks like this:
John, I so appreciate you placing your trust in me. We have a new program for newly marrieds - have you been to any weddings lately?
Sally, we have a terrific offering for those in the automotive sales space - who did you buy your last car from?
Frank, we find our ________ has really made an impact with people in leadership positions. When I say leader - who comes to mind in your sphere?
Now that you've given your client something specific to think about - your success rate for referrals will go up. Good luck!