When All That Remains Is To Change The World
Technology is coming fast...electronics, autonomous vehicles, connected and electrified cars. Like a scene out of one of our favorite 80's movies, the world, our world is changing and emerging before our very eyes. Remanufacturing that blessed, beautiful reuse of our precious natural resources is gaining in its sophistication and implementation. Mechatronics along with pure electronic remanufacturing is beginning to gain a stronghold. The technology to harness and reuse these precious resources vs. simply tossing them away to opt for new will increasingly become an important aspect of our next generation of responsible manufacturing.
There is a small but focused group of professionals breaking ground in this amazing new arena and they will chart new trails and develop new methodology to evaluate and recreate from electronics core supplies the service solutions going forward. Cost of ownership will be a huge determining factor in the systems of our future transportation systems as well as many other categories of products that we use and enjoy. Batteries and electronics will continue to evolve and their evolution will create sophistication and expense that will require innovative approaches for service. Reman will become the low cost alternative to huge all time service buys and dangerous disposal of materials too valuable to overlook. Remanufacturing will indeed change the world and the companies that understand and "get" this will find themselves with a huge competitive advantage.
Step onto any credible engineering college campus and you will sense the commitment to recycling and reducing our collective carbon footprint. The future leaders and engineers of this emerging world get that we must adopt more eco-friendly manufacturing strategies. Remanufacturing will become one of the driving forces behind developing more environmentally responsible vehicles and vehicle systems.
As buyers wrestle with emerging technologies and the rapidly advancing technology they will find solutions in one of the oldest point of service solutions. Take what is broken (but still rebuildable) and use the intrinsic value still left in the failed part to create a kind of phoenix effect. For from the ashes we rise and from our own ingenuity and hard work all that remains is to embrace it and change the world!!! PT