Are wheel spacers/adapter safe?
They get a bad rap, but I've never had any problems with them. I've used 5 lug one inch spacers, 5 lug 1.5 inch spacers, 6 lug two inch spacers and the Grand Daddy 6 lug three inch spacers.
Tighten them up and check them occasionally.
Edit: Well, last night 4 studs broke on my drive home. First bad experience. It was apparent something had gone wrong, but in true bro fashion, I just turned up the radio and went with it. Finally the shaking got so bad I decided when the wheel fell off, I probably shouldn't be on the freeway. I don't like being on the news for being the guy who caused the accident that stops traffic. Ducking into a parking lot, I assessed the situation then drove to the NAPA down the street. When I got the wheel off, 4 lug nuts fell out of the spacer and the fifth was pretty loose. Five new studs and lug nuts in the NAPA parking lot and I was on y way. This was on a 32 year old Toyota truck rear axle that I drive about 60 miles a day with 5 lug, 2 inch spacers.
Unless wheel spacers, we also do tuner lug nut, spline lug bolt, mag lug nut, universal wrench, wheel nut wrench, socket wrench set etc.
Any request,pls contact me at below