#WhatTheInternetWants: Flow

#WhatTheInternetWants: Flow

Winning in marketing today means playing according to the rules and implications of the technology that has transformed the world. 

The Internet desires and creates action, because that's what catalyzes further action. Which ultimately presents opportunities. Which ultimately leads to growth. Ongoing activity, exchange and accessibility matter more than any single or handful of gestures - no matter how successful.

The marketing lessons: Keep making stuff, continuously share/interact and stress accessibility.

A hybrid, multi-disciplinary creative/brand strategist with skills developed across the entire marketing ecosystem, Todd Lowe does everything from brand, connections, campaign and content strategy to communications/content ideas and marketing innovation.

As he decodes the marketing lessons from #WhatTheInternetWants, offline he unpacks the underlying strategic implications and applies them to building solutions on behalf of brands, agencies and consultancies.

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"Now we are transitioning into the third age of computation. Pages and browsers are far less important. Today the prime units are flows and streams." - Kevin Kelly

"As data, people and resources move quickly across the globe, "flows" of information will become more valuable than "stocks" of information. Exchanging knowledge, rather than storing it, fuels business success and upends the value of proprietary information." - John Hagel


