With WhatsApp, You Can Share Files, Images Instantly Without the Internet
With WhatsApp, You Can Share Files, Images Instantly Without the Internet

With WhatsApp, You Can Share Files, Images Instantly Without the Internet

WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app with almost 2.78 billion users. It's used on iOS, Android, and Windows. To stay ahead of rivals like Telegram and Signal, the company, owned by Meta, keeps adding new features.

The latest ones include filters for chats, a search option by date, and text formatting. Now, WhatsApp is testing a new feature to let users share files and media without needing the internet. This feature, called 'People nearby', lets you share content securely and instantly between two phones, even without an internet connection. However, it's not clear how WhatsApp will make this happen yet.

They might use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), like Google's Quick Share, to transfer files between Android phones. This could help save data costs, especially for sharing lots of photos or videos at events. And since it's often tricky to share files between iPhones and Androids, this feature could be really useful.

WhatsApp is still testing 'People nearby' and gathering feedback from beta testers. They'll tweak things based on the feedback and fix any bugs before rolling it out to everyone.

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